Vision and Mission – What Makes You Unique

While many school librarians believe they have a mission and a vision for their program, few have actually written one. Writing and relying on these two succinct statements (around 25 words each) allows busy librarians to make clear judgments about priorities. As a result, they are less likely to feel overwhelmed by the daily demands of the job. Posting these clearly worded statements in the school library can help LMS open dialogues with classroom teachers, leading to increased collaboration and decreased misuse of the Library Media Center. In addition, with these statements clearly posted in the school library, they can more readily open a dialogue with teachers leading to collaboration and minimize teacher misuse of the facility for their students.

After this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Define and communicate what makes them uniquely important to their school community
  • Draft Vision and Mission statements
  • Deliver a stronger program to teachers and students
Presented by
On-Demand Program Subject Area
Advocacy and Communication Skills
Program Format