Handhelds in School Libraries NJ UnConference

Event Information
Event Type
Continuing Education - Face-to-Face Presentation
Event Category
Professional/Personal Development
Resource Sharing
CEU Hours

Handhelds in School Libraries NJ -- An Unconference

It’s an informal, participant-driven day of learning about handheld devices in libraries:

How will these ereaders / tablets / smartphones / mini-computers
Change and Reinvent
School library programs, services, collections, and learning spaces?

Everything is up for discussion – let’s explore and learn together in these crowd-sourced conversations!

want to learn more about UNconferences? See this page!


When: Saturday, March 24, 2012 -- 9 AM - 3:30 PM

Where: Middlesex County College -- Crabiel Hall

(Campus Map | Directions)

Who: YOU -- if you're an NJ Librarian, please register! This event is for New Jersey School Librarians, but we hope to have input from Public and Academic Librarians, too!

School Librarians!

Register with a classroom teaching colleague

or administrator!


Handhelds in School Libraries NJ is co-sponsored by

LibraryLinkNJ--The New Jersey Library Cooperative and

The New Jersey Association of School Librarians

Registration Information


Registration opens at 7 AM, Wednesday, January 18.

Register online using the link below.

We're using EventBrite so classroom teachers & school administrators, who are not members of LibraryLinkNJ, can particpate!