If you have any questions about pricing or need assistance with billing for the delivery service, please use this form. |
Use this form for any issues and requests related to delivery services, such as problems, questions, library closures, and requests for delivery bins and bags. |
DELIVERY STATS REPORT FORM | Use this online form to submit the total delivery statistics for packages shipped at the end of the month. |
The LibraryLinkNJ Delivery Service provides prompt transmittal of library materials in order to provide timely access to the State’s collective library resources for the residents of New Jersey. This is a shared effort of LibraryLinkNJ and its eligible member libraries.
The LibraryLinkNJ Delivery Service supports multi-type library resource sharing within New Jersey.
LibraryLinkNJ provides a statewide Delivery Service with a policy that is sustainable, cost-effective, efficient, and equitable.
- The Delivery Service transmits library materials in order to provide timely access to the State’s collective library resources for the residents of New Jersey.
- Meeting this goal requires the shared effort of LibraryLinkNJ and its member libraries.
1. Voting Representative Responsibility:
- Each Voting Representative of a library on delivery is responsible to delegate an ongoing review and implementation of delivery policies and procedures with appropriate library staff.
- Timely and proactive communication between the member library and the LibraryLinkNJ office is required for the speedy resolution of problems.
2. Eligibility:
- Only LibraryLinkNJ member libraries are eligible to be considered for Delivery Services.
- LibraryLinkNJ member libraries not on delivery may apply for and/or pay for Delivery Services.
- A member library, especially those that are members of JerseyCat, may apply for Delivery Service. To apply, click here.
- Criteria to maintain eligibility are performance-based, as follows:
- The primary component for delivery eligibility is participation in resource sharing. This participation is based on volume and is documented by reported statistics.
- A library’s delivery statistics must be current.
- Staff submit delivery statistics by the 10th of the following month using the Cooperative’s online delivery statistics form only; statistics faxed to the office are unacceptable.
- The level of resource sharing is reviewed annually within the four library tiers of delivery structure: public, academic, school and special libraries
- Effective calendar year 2016, resource sharing volume in the bottom 50% of a given tier will be analyzed in terms of the tier’s median cost per package shipped. The result of the analysis may result in a library losing one or more delivery days and/or being removed from delivery altogether.
- Any library may pay for one or more extra days of delivery.
- A library follows ALA Interlibrary Loan Code for the United States, if items are lost or damaged.
- Staff communicates delivery problems to the LibraryLinkNJ office within 48 hours of a delivery issue.
- Staff are in place at the library to provide consistent resource sharing, e.g., a school library that has no certified media specialist on staff is ineligible for delivery.
- Libraries that are unable to meet or maintain eligibility requirements may appeal circumstances to the Executive Director. The Executive Director will offer a fair hearing but there is no guarantee that the eligibility and/or delivery frequency decision will be waived. In this flat funding environment, the Cooperative’s funds must be used judiciously.
- A member library is required to email the LibraryLinkNJ Office by the next business day after a delivery stop is missed. Available staff will start immediately on problem resolution.
- Members are discouraged from contacting the office because their driver is “late.” This is a statewide service and individual routes may be impacted by weather, road conditions, delivery volume or vehicle trouble.
- If closed due to weather, the library must report using the Delivery Service Support form.
- If closed for a long period, i.e., school libraries closed for extended holiday weeks or libraries closed for renovation, the library must contact the LibraryLinkNJ office.
1. Destinations:
- Items may be sent only to libraries participating in the Delivery Service and only to the designated addresses on the current Delivery Address List.
- Delivery Address List is kept current on the LibraryLinkNJ webpage.
- Only the primary contact(s) of each participating library is authorized to update its delivery address.
2. What May be Delivered:
The Delivery Service exists solely to support statewide library resource sharing including: interlibrary loan and reciprocal borrowing.
There are restrictions on what may be shipped using the Delivery Service. Details are in the PROCEDURES AND PRACTICES section.
3. Pickup and Delivery Schedules:
- Delivery routes and times are created by the vendor.
- There is no guarantee of a specific time for delivery.
- Due to the complexity of delivery routes, timing of delivery cannot be easily adjusted.
- Timing adjustments to schedules will only be made in extraordinary cases and at the discretion of LibraryLinkNJ, assuming the changes do not incur additional costs.
- Delivery frequency is determined by LibraryLinkNJ.
4. Transit Time:
- Delivery is defined as delivering Monday through Friday during the time the library is open.
- The vendor contract sets the transit time between a shipping library and a destination library.
5. Plastic Bags, Packaging and Labels:
- LibraryLinkNJ provides small zip top and large plastic bags to member libraries for use only in the Delivery Service.
- Members are expected to reuse viable bags.
- Members are required to follow all packaging and labeling procedures and practices.
6. Tote Bins:
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7. Losses or Damages:
- Delivery is an undocumented and uninsured service. This applies to both materials shipped for ILL and for the purpose of reciprocal borrowing.
- There is no manifest or tracking of individual items or shipments.
- If material is lost or damaged in delivery, all members will follow the American Library Association Interlibrary Loan Code where the requesting library is responsible for the return of material to the supplying library from the time of shipment from the supplying library.
- Lost or damaged items in transit are not covered by insurance, except if the loss or damage is clearly covered by the delivery vendor’s accident liability insurance.
- LibraryLinkNJ does not reimburse libraries for lost items.
- The primary purpose of maintaining ongoing statistics is to document delivery volume for the vendor. The secondary purpose is to document the pattern of resource sharing.
- Members must submit a monthly count of packages shipped per day. Staff use of the existing online delivery statistics form is required. Member library staff must cease submitting delivery statistics by fax.
- The statistical unit counted is the package. For example, a count of one (1) package could include:
- A box with multiple books or DVDs.
- A plastic bag with 1 or more items.
- A blue tote bin with eight (8) plastic bags would count as 8 packages.
- Staff may not count books within individual packages for their delivery statistics.
- Staff may not count material within boxes for their delivery statistics.
- As a further example, each individual label used Is equivalent to one package.
- Statistics are due the 10th day of the following month.
- A member that does not submit statistics three months in a row is a library not in good standing. This situation will result in an office review and potential suspension from Delivery Services.
- Libraries that do not comply with Delivery Policies are subject to Delivery Service restrictions.
The LibraryLinkNJ Executive Board reserves the right to adjust
these policies when budgetary pressures require it.
Approved by the LibraryLinkNJ Executive Board, July 10, 2014.
– Library administration and their staff are responsible for adhering to the policies and for following the correct procedures and practices of the Delivery Service.
- Establish an internal site/place for deliveries and pickups.
- Choose a site/place that the driver can reach, is convenient for library staff, and is easy to monitor the vendor's compliance with its contract with LibraryLinkNJ.
- The delivery vendor is required to schedule its pickup and delivery times during the hours a library is open.
- The contract with the vendor calls for pickup and delivery within two business days’ transit time between the shipping library and destination library.
- NOTE: Delivery is also dependent on stop frequency. The Delivery Address List indicates which libraries receive Delivery Service 2, 3, 4 and 5 days a week, respectively.
Assistance and Request Forms
Assistance via our new Delivery Service Support Form is now available:
- Please use this new online form for any issues and requests related to delivery services, such as problems, questions, library closures, and requests for delivery bins and bags.
- On the form, please note that 'DELIVERY' is selected by default in the 'Department' field. Please do not change the department selection and proceed to complete the rest of the form before submitting it.
- For delivery statistics reports, please continue to use the Stats Report Form.
When a Library is Closed:
- The delivery vendor is required to schedule its pickup and delivery times during the hours a library is open.
- However, if the library is closed:
- Re-delivery will be attempted the next regular delivery day, and for up to 5 consecutive business days.
- If re-delivery is unsuccessful, the delivery vendor will deliver the materials to the LibraryLinkNJ office.
- Report your library closure by using the Delivery Service Support Form:
- Please plan ahead. TForce must be notified at least 10 working days ahead of any non-emergency closures in order for LibraryLinkNJ to get credit for the stop.
Use this form to report
Closures due to:
- Weather
- Renovation/construction
- Emergencies
- Holidays the library is closed
- School vacation breaks
Changes in opening hours due to:
- Seasonal changes (summer hours)
- Academic semester breaks
- Overall hours changed
Notify the LibraryLinkNJ Office of Changes Affecting your Delivery Status:
- If you wish to stop your Delivery Service for any reason or to change the frequency of your pickup, or if there is a change in your address, you must contact the office. If you do not contact us to make changes affecting your Delivery Service, LibraryLinkNJ will be billed for service that you are not receiving.
- If a library is closed for a long period, e.g., school libraries closed for extended holiday weeks or libraries closed for renovation, the library must report it by using the Delivery Service Support Form.
Bad weather:
Weather conditions vary across the state. Bad weather in one area can have an impact on the entire system.
- If a library closes due to weather, it must report it by using the Delivery Service Support Form.
- Once completed and submitted, the Delivery Service Support Form notifies both the office and the vendor.
Holidays When There is no Delivery:
The current delivery contract lists the following holidays when there is no delivery:
- New Year's Day
- Martin Luther King Day
- Presidents Day
- Good Friday
- Memorial Day
- Independence Day
- Labor Day
- Columbus Day
- Veteran's Day
- Thanksgiving Day
- Day After Thanksgiving Day
- Christmas Day
Currently, we work on a holiday by holiday basis with TForce Final Mile on plans to address missed holiday service days. We assess where and how much the backlog of materials are and then arrange for a targeted pickup. This could be whole routes or selected libraries along routes. We will do our best to let those libraries know if they will get an extra pickup and on what day.
- We strongly urge libraries to prioritize items waiting to be picked up after a holiday closing.
- Segregate items that are filling patron requests from ordinary returns and label bins in priority order accordingly.
- Library staff must submit delivery statistics by the 10th of the following month using the Cooperative’s online delivery statistics form only; statistics may no longer by faxed to the office.
- Faxed statistics will not be accepted and will put your library’s eligibility for the Delivery Service at risk.
- A library’s delivery statistics must tracked on a daily Delivery Log.
- Download and post the form at the established delivery Pickup/Dropoff spot.
- For each delivery day, record on the form the number of outgoing packages (shipped).
- If no packages/boxes are sent on a delivery day, enter "0".
- Track that the driver initials the form whether or not he or she picks up any packages/boxes so that the form records that the stops are being made.
- If the driver misses an expected delivery stop, draw a line through the day and report it by using the Delivery Service Support Form.
- Total the delivery statistics at the end of the month and submit them online no later than the 10th of the following month.
- We highly recommend that you keep your log sheets for one year.
- NOTE: any library that does not comply with statistics submission risks losing eligibility for future Delivery Services.
- Items may be sent via the Delivery Service only to libraries participating in the regular Delivery Service and only to the designated addresses on the current Delivery Address List.
- Delivery Address List is kept current on the LibraryLinkNJ webpage.
- In participating libraries, all individuals responsible for deliveries must access and use the current Delivery Address List.
- If any participating library needs to update its delivery address or other information, please contact Mi-Sun Lyu at Email.
- Any materials sent to a library or address not on the current list will be returned to the LibraryLinkNJ office, causing delivery delay and possible cost to the sender.
- Use the U.S. Postal Service to send materials to libraries that do not receive Delivery Service.
What Can and Can NOT be Delivered:
- The Delivery Service exists to support resource sharing through interlibrary loan and reciprocal borrowing.
- Materials that can be shipped include books, audiotapes, CDs, DVDs, videos, documents, boxes of books, bulk loans and other library material.
The Cooperative has a service contract with a delivery vendor. We expect libraries eligible for Delivery Service to adhere to the following contract restrictions.
Libraries may NOT send the following materials through the delivery system:
- Oversized/heavy packages
- Individual packages may not weigh more than 50 lbs.
- Individual packages may not exceed more than 130” in total dimensions: length, plus width, plus height of the longest side
- Fragile/breakable items
- Material of a rare or irreplaceable nature
- Equipment
- Furniture
- Office supplies
- Public relations material from outside organizations
- All items placed in the Delivery System must be appropriately wrapped and accurately addressed.
- Preprinted labels and directory information are available on the Delivery Address List.
- LibraryLinkNJ supplies reusable clear plastic bags (in 2 sizes: 15"x20" and 12"x12").
- It is advisable to place items in these bags even if they are already in other packaging.
- The plastic bags provided by LibraryLinkNJ help identify packages as belonging to our Delivery System, as well as protect the items being shipped.
- Envelopes larger than 8"x10" may be sent without being enclosed in a plastic bag.
- Smaller envelopes must be enclosed in a plastic bag.
- Be sure that the library to which you are sending is on the current Delivery Address List and that you are using the specific address designated on the list for that library.
- A "see" reference refers you from a library within a library system to the designated delivery address for the system.
- The notation "US Mail" with a library's address indicates that the library is not on the Delivery Service.
- All items going to a single destination may be put into the same package.
Please follow these supplemental packaging guidelines when shipping DVDs or similarly packaged items:
- Keep in mind that this service is provided by a commercial vendor not unlike UPS or the U.S. Postal Service.
- While packaging requirements for most items sent through delivery are simplified by the use of Service address labels and plastic bags, special packaging is needed for shipping DVDs or similarly packaged items through the Service.
- These items should be placed first in a paper or padded envelope, then in a plastic bag.
- Never label in any way that identifies the contents.
- If shipping several items to the same destination, use a clean and firm box, not one that is battered and easy to open.
- Pad with paper if items being shipped don't fill the box, or if handling (e.g. stacking) could puncture the box.
- Use the label generator next to each library on the Delivery Address List.
- Stamp your library’s return address on the back of the label or on the envelope.
- Place the label in each bag so that it is clearly visible, or affix it firmly to the sealed box or envelope.
- The address label must be clearly visible and legible. No other address should be visible which might cause confusion about the destination. (Except for standard return addresses on printed envelopes, the return address should be only on the back of the label and inside the envelope or package.)
- Use the exact address given on the current Delivery Address List or update.
- Use the "ATTN" space to direct material to a branch or individual within a library.
- Do not label DVDs or similar items in any way that identifies the contents.
- Always fill in the expected shipping date on the label.
Plastic bags:
- We supply two sizes of clear plastic bags: 12"x12" and 15"x20".
- Fold bags to fit around the items fairly closely so that they do not slide around inside the bag. Do not overfill.
- Secure with tape or sturdy rubber bands.
- The bags are intended to be reusable, but should be discarded when damaged or dirty.
- If you have extra bags in very good condition, you may send them back to the office for reuse.
- LibraryLinkNJ provides libraries on the Delivery Service with two sizes of reusable plastic bags.
- Please use the the Delivery Service Support Form to request plastic bags.
Tote Bins:
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- Cartons may be used for bulk shipments to the same destination.
- You may protect the items inside by placing them in a plastic bag.
- The plastic bag should be closed at the top.
- The carton should be firmly sealed with packaging tape and the delivery label affixed to the outside of the carton.
- Be sure any addresses on cartons used for previous shipment are blacked out so that only the current delivery address shows.
- The vendor contract Terms and Conditions require that individual packages may not weigh more than 50 lbs. and may not exceed more than 130” in length, plus width, plus height of the longest side.
- The vendor will not deliver unsealed boxes, but will contact the LibraryLinkNJ office to determine disposition. This does not include open boxes containing properly packaged items.
- Large shipments of DVDs and similar material through the Delivery Service is NOT recommended. These should be made through a separate, insured service.
- In the unfortunate event that a shipment is lost, the borrowing library must absorb the cost.
Losses or Damages:
- The Delivery Service is an undocumented and uninsured service.
- Shipments are not traceable and not insured, except when loss or damage is clearly covered by the vendor's liability insurance.
- There is no manifest or tracking of individual items or shipments.
- The vendor moves shipments intact to the destination address and does not have records or knowledge of what is contained in each individual shipment.
- Material that is lost or damaged in transit is not covered by insurance, except if the loss or damage is clearly covered by the delivery vendor’s accident liability insurance.
Contract terms prohibit a member library from discussing any issues affecting service with the vendor or with a driver.
The LibraryLinkNJ office holds the delivery contract and is the point of contact for all issues to do with the Delivery Service.
Your cooperation is necessary in order to ensure the receipt of quality service at your library and to prevent waste of LibraryLinkNJ Delivery Service funding.
Delivery problems must be communicated to LLNJ within two business days.
Common Problems:
- Driver does not make a scheduled delivery stop:
- Report this using the Delivery Service Support Form by the next business day.
- The vendor will work to resolve the problem and we will notify you of the disposition.
- Do not wait longer. We cannot solve missed delivery problems that are a week old or older.
- Missed stops means we are paying for services a member library did not receive.
- Driver does not arrive at the time a library usually expects them:
- Do not call the office and do not fill out the Delivery Service Support Form.
- The contract doesn’t guarantee a specific delivery time.
- Weather road conditions, delivery volume and vehicle trouble all effect delivery times.
- We cannot adjust delivery schedules to fit the convenience of library staffing.
- Driver wants to make special arrangements with the library (e.g., calling on the phone to see if there is anything to go out, etc.) that are outside of usual procedures.
- This is not allowed.
- Report this to us using the Delivery Service Support Form.
- The system works best if the driver follows the usual routine for which we are paying: showing up at a designated site at the correct frequency for your library (2, 3, 4 or 5 days/week).
If the same problem(s) persists:
- Call the LibraryLinkNJ office at 732-752-7720.
- The office will contact the vendor to resolve the ongoing problem.
- Most importantly, don't let problems slip by; document them.
- If something is not right, report it.
- It is the delivery vendor's job to get the details right, and our job to see that it is done.
This is only for libraries currently on the Delivery Service. If your library is not currently on the Delivery Service, and you would like to apply to participate, please see Section F, below.
- Before you make a request to purchase, please contact the office. We will provide you with a quote. Costs vary according to our contract.
- The total annual amount must be paid in full.
- The annual cost will be pro-rated according to the start date of the additional service.
- To request the purchase of one or more additional delivery days, please contact Jennifer Bruno at the LibraryLinkNJ Office to request a price quote. Please use our Billing Support Form.
This request form is only for LibraryLinkNJ members that currently do not currently receive any Delivery Service.
- If the application for service is approved, it is for a provisional term of six months. The usage statistics will be evaluated at the end of the term.
- Please note that less than 25% of the membership currently receives delivery.
- To apply, click here.
For questions about the day-to-day running of the Delivery Service or to report any issues, we ask that everyone use our Delivery Service Support Form.