Powering Up: Library Charging Stations

Powering Up: Library Charging Stations


FY17 Incubator Project Award Opportunity:
Powering Up: Library Charging Stations  

Project Documents 

Project Information and Guidelines MS Word | PDF
Form A: Application Title Page & Certification Form MS Word | PDF
Form B: Narrative MS Word | PDF


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Project Goal

Expand support for charging smartphone and mobile devices in New Jersey libraries


  • Provide awards to selected LLNJ member libraries statewide to achieve a local strategic goal of emergency preparedness and also public technology support
  • Foster library connections with their communities of users
  • Embolden libraries to expand their models of service
  • Encourage collaboration with local emergency planners, providers and responders


LibraryLinkNJ will fund the purchase of secure public device charging stations to be installed in selected public, school, academic, and special libraries in the New Jersey Library Network.

Definition of “Secure Charging Station”

A secure charging station is one that locks up the device, providing a safe and protected place while it charges.

Measures of Success

  • Up to twelve libraries of varying sizes, types and geographic locations install public device secure charging stations for their community of users within the project period.
  • Libraries demonstrate partnerships with local emergency planners, providers and responders
  • Libraries promote and document community response and reaction

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Project Rationale

The Powering Up: Library Charging Stations award opportunity is an initiative of LibraryLinkNJ (LLNJ) the New Jersey Library Cooperative.

LibraryLinkNJ, the New Jersey Library Cooperative, is a 501(c)3, nonprofit organization with a membership of 2,000 public and private school, public, academic, institutional, corporate, health sciences and special libraries and library-related agencies. LLNJ provides the mechanism for its members to cooperatively offer New Jersey residents full and equal access to library materials, programs, and information that might not otherwise be available in their local communities.

  1. The impact of Superstorm Sandy on October 22, 2012 was profound and multifaceted.
    Libraries of all types realized that they needed better preparation to bear the mantle of responsibility thrust upon them: being safe havens in times of crisis. Fiscal stakeholders, organizational partners, and community members now recognize libraries as partners in disaster preparedness.

    Unless they were flooded or without power, many libraries were open, and were the places people accessed computers, used free wifi to contact relatives and insurance companies, filled out forms, and charged the batteries in their handheld devices and laptops.

    LibraryLinkNJ was one of the principal partners of the Ports in a Storm: The Library as Community Partner in Disaster Recovery statewide summit sponsored by the New Jersey State Library in April 2013. The State Library has since provided a strong slate of workshops and toolkits helping our libraries prepare for future catastrophic weather events.

  2. Smartphones and other handheld devices have become an integral part of our lives.
    According to the 2015 report by the Pew Research Center, “Nearly two-thirds of Americans are now smartphone owners, and for many these devices are a key entry point to the online world”. Smartphone usage is likely even more ubiquitous now. Smartphones and other mobile devices are an innovative everyday technology that have one significant, chronic problem: battery life. The average phone charge will only last 7-10 hours and low battery life is a fact as running apps, making calls, using Wi-Fi, and a quick processor all need support from a powerful battery. When a patron’s phone battery has run out and they cannot find a place to charge it conveniently, will they still be interested in staying at the library without the device they depend on for so many essential daily tasks? Providing a secure way to charge phones and other mobile devices bolsters the argument for libraries as essential community services, and can attract new users who may be unfamiliar with what their library can offer them in addition to being a charging station.

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LLNJ will assist the New Jersey library community in their goals of being safe havens and centers of community support, articulating their value, and supporting library user technology by awarding funds for the purchase of secure public device charging stations to a selected number of our members. Many of our member libraries’ lean budgets hinder them from providing the technology support necessary to their patrons and communities. This project will allow LLNJ to help libraries purchase and install secure charging stations, which they ordinarily could not afford.

This initiative addresses the LLNJ goals of producing services and programs to help extend and enhance library budgets; encouraging initiatives, services and projects that help libraries articulate their value to their communities; and generate and implement innovative ideas, methods and programs to support new models of service

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Through this competitive award program, LLNJ will fund the purchase of up to 12 secure public device charging stations for selected public, school, academic, and special libraries in the New Jersey Library Network at a maximum amount of $6,000 per award. The total amount of available funding is $75,000.

A. Project Scope:

  • LLNJ will:
    • Evaluate applications and select awarded libraries
    • Distribute awards to selected libraries
    • Negotiate with vendor for a group discount
    • Recommend a vendor and model
  • LLNJ will not:
    • Be involved in the direct purchase or be responsible for any aspects of the installation process
    • Cover the cost of installation
  • Member libraries will:
    • Purchase the secure charging station (including shipping), per their organization’s purchasing guidelines
    • Be responsible for all costs and facets of installation (for example, providing an electrical outlet)
    • Promote the service
    • Submit reports
    • Deadline for installation is December 29, 2017

B. Audience:

Libraries of all types which are actively involved in supporting their community of users’ technology and disaster planning needs.

C. Governance:

The project is an initiative of LibraryLinkNJ, the New Jersey Library Cooperative. LLNJ will launch and promote the project, evaluate applications, and review and promote the final projects. LLNJ has the responsibility to distribute awards to participating libraries, to communicate with libraries during the project period, to document receipt of final project reports. In addition, LLNJ will provide a final financial report and project summary to the Executive Board. Executive Director Kathy Schalk-Greene will manage the project, assisted by LLNJ staff, with an Evaluation Team to review applications. The Evaluation Team will be made up of the Executive Director and two Board or Cooperative members.

D. Members Eligible for the Project:

Public, school, academic and special libraries

E. Stakeholders Include:

  • Project Sponsor: LibraryLinkNJ
  • The Local Library Community: public, school, academic, special
  • Library Funders
  • Library Partners: opportunity to collaborate. Examples: emergency preparedness providers, government, medical institutions, schools, college/university departments
  • Project libraries that receive awards to achieve local strategic initiatives
  • Libraries statewide who will follow their colleagues strategic direction
  • Project Users:
    • Library users who will be delighted by a new, highly practical, service offered by their library
    • Library funders/stakeholders, who will be invited for the launch and promotion of a new service with minimal to no impact on their budgets
    • Staff from other organizations, including libraries, who come to see, use and explore possibilities
  • Project Suppliers:
    • LibraryLinkNJ has negotiated with a vendor for a group discount

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Project Timeline, Award Deadlines and Amount to be Awarded:

Project Launch: Thursday, March 2, 2017
Application due date: 4:00 P.M. on Friday, April 28, 2017
Evaluation period: Monday, May 1 - Thursday, May 25, 2017
Number of grant awards and amount: Up to 12 awards at a maximum of $6,000.00 each.
Award notification date: On or about Friday, May 26, 2017
Funds Distributed: By Friday, June 30, 2017
Implementation/Installation of charging device deadline: By Friday, December 29, 2017
Project period: June 30, 2017 – December 29, 2017
Final report due date: June 30, 2018


If the charging station is not installed by December 29, 2017, all award money must returned to LibraryLinkNJ no later than Thursday, February 1, 2018.


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Criteria for Award

The project goal is to provide secure charging stations to a variety of types of libraries with wide geographic distribution throughout the state.

  • At the time of application, the library may not have an extant secured public library device charging station. (See definition above)
  • Charging station is to be placed in a public area for public use
  • Applicant fulfills application process and signs award agreement, if so offered
  • Applicant provides evidence of need (how the applicant envisions use)
  • Applicant partners with a local institution(s), organization(s) and/or business(es) [not required but highly encouraged]
  • Applicant describes current knowledge/capacity and interest, including approaches to staff training and promotion
  • Consideration will be given to population, type of library, total library budget, and geographic location
  • LLNJ uses an evaluation rubric which lists required elements and has point differentiations for the responses from applicants. Example: Requirements not met; Requirements partially met; Requirements fully met; Requirements exceeded

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Vendor & Product Information:

LibraryLinkNJ has reviewed the marketplace, selected a product and vendor recommended by our membership project team, and negotiated a group discount with KwikBoost.

1. KwikBoost Group Discount Offer:

  • KwikBoost, 4819 Woodall St, Dallas, TX 75247, 800-676-4278, www.kwikboost.com
  • Project Contact: James Valera, james [at] kwikboost.com (james[at]kwikboost[dot]com), 214.346.5262 (Direct) 214.289.1093 (Cell). Mention the LibraryLinkNJ Discount
  • KwikBoost 9300 Charging Locker - this is the specific model for the group discount
  • Applicants that win an award and choose KwikBoost, will purchase this model directly from KwikBoost
  • Applicants must obtain a written quote from the vendor and submit a copy as part of the award application - be sure to mention the LibraryLinkNJ Discount when you call James Valera
    • 8 individual charging lockers; phones, tablets, laptops
    • 2 charging cables per locker
    • Full speed, multi-device charging lockers for many devices
    • Intelligent, energy efficient, MFi certified charging technology
    • Digital keypad locks with user generated locker codes
    • Charges nearly 100% of mobile devices
    • Fanless; No moving parts, no noise
    • 1-year warranty; 1-year service plan
    • 2nd year warranty included in discounted price (negotiated by LibraryLinkNJ)
    • Custom graphics featuring LibraryLinkNJ logo and numbered lockers
    • Made in the USA
      Charging Station
    • 16 charging connectors (Apple Lightning, Apple 30-Pin, Micro USB, USB Type-C)
    • Single power outlet installed in each charging locker Slot/Bay
    • Certified: UL, MFi, USB, RoHS, CE, FCC
    • ADA compliant
    • Charging Locker Ext. Dims: 21.5”W x 61”H x 16”D (Base = 24”x24”)
    • Charging Locker Slot/Bay Dims: 17.5”W x 3.5”H x 12.25”D
    • Weight: 200 lbs (freestanding)
    • Adaptive Fast Charging Technology
    • 2.4A per port: 38.4A total
    • Commercial grade charging connectors with enhanced strain relief
    • ‘Kwik’ setup; plug and play; requires 1 standard outlet
    • Requires 8-10 weeks for manufacturing after order

2. Alternate Vendor:

  • Applicants are also free to select a different vendor and do their own negotiations
  • The charging station must have equivalent features and specifications as listed in the KwikBoost offer above
  • Applicants must obtain a written quote from the vendor and submit a copy as part of the award application

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Contract Awards

LibraryLinkNJ is delighted to announce that the following fourteen member libraries have been selected as contract award winners of funding under our Powering Up: Library Charging Stations Incubator Project.

  • Atlantic City Free Public Library
  • Atlantic County Library System
  • East Brunswick Public Library
  • Johnson Public Library, Hackensack
  • Kearny High School Library
  • Maplewood Memorial Library
  • Morristown & Morris Township Public Library
  • Ocean County Library
  • Paterson Free Public Library
  • Rancocas Valley Regional High School Library Media Center
  • Rowan University Libraries - Keith & Shirley Campbell Library
  • Salem Free Public Library
  • Sparta Public Library
  • Union Public Library

These libraries - representing school, academic, county and municipal public libraries - will each receive up to $6,000 towards the purchase of charging stations that can simultaneously and securely charge up to 8 mobile devices.

Through this project, LibraryLinkNJ nurtures the New Jersey library community in their goals of being safe havens and centers of community support, articulating their value, and supporting library user technology. Many of our member libraries’ lean budgets hinder them from providing the technology support necessary to their patrons and communities. This project will allow LLNJ to help libraries purchase and install secure charging stations, which they ordinarily could not afford.

In a highly competitive process, the Project Evaluation Task Force reviewed over 43 applications from libraries around the state to select the 14 awards.

LibraryLinkNJ Executive Director Kathy Schalk-Greene would like to thank those who contributed their time and expertise to the Project Evaluation Task Force:

  • Assistant Director Joanne Roukens
  • Janice Cooper, Media Specialist, Northern Valley Regional High School at Old Tappan
  • Adele Puccio, Director, Maurice Pine Public Library

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For complete details, see the project documents

If you have any questions about this project, please contact:

Kathy Schalk-Greene
Executive Director, LibraryLinkNJ
kathy [at] librarylinknj.org (kathy[at]librarylinknj[dot]org)
Phone: 732-752-7720

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