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LibraryLinkNJ Member Support
CONTACT US | Contact information by subject, Staff Directory, Office Details |
If you have any questions or need assistance with billing for delivery service, program registration invoice, etc., please use this form. |
Use this form for any issues and requests related to delivery services, such as problems, questions, library closures, and requests for delivery bins and bags. |
WEBSITE SUPPORT FORM | Use this form if you need assistance with your user account or if your library/organization needs to update its information, including the voting representative, primary contact, and delivery contact. |
WHO WE ARE LibraryLinkNJ, The New Jersey Library Cooperative, serves over 2,500 multi-type libraries and library-related agencies. |
UPCOMING PROGRAMS Our upcoming professional development programs offer a wide range of opportunities to enhance your skills, expand your knowledge, and expand your personal and professional growth! |
STATEWIDE DELIVERY SERVICE LLNJ Delivery Service ensures timely access to the State's collective library resources for New Jersey residents by providing prompt transmittal of library materials. |
EQUITY, DIVERSITY, INCLUSION (EDI) LibraryLinkNJ is committed to supporting Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) values among NJ libraries and the communities they serve |
SERVING MULTITYPE LIBRARIES Join LibraryLinkNJ! We strengthen connections among libraries of all types. We serve over 2,500 multi-type libraries and library-related agencies. Members join at no charge and pay no dues |
WHAT IS MentorNJ The goal of this statewide service is to promote a sense of professional pride and connectedness among the NJ Library Community and to expand roles for library professionals now and in the future |
DISCOUNTS Group discounts for LLNJ Members --- Online Databases, Ebook/Audio Book, Streaming Media. Professional Development |
FY2023-25 STRATEGIC PLAN LibraryLinkNJ's Vision, Mission, and Long-term Goal
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT SUBSIDY LLNJ will subsidize the cost of one staff development workshop per year for member libraries, up to $500. Learn how to request a subsidy and how the process works! |
LIST | LABEL GENERATOR Find the list of libraries on the delivery service and print labels for delivery |
EDI FRAMEWORK FOR NJ LIBRARIES NJLA, LLNJ, and NJSL share a commitment to action towards achieving a NJ library community that demonstrates the values of EDI |
MEMBERS LIST Find LibraryLinkNJ's Members List with quick and easy search options |
VIRTUAL GUIDE TO NJ LIBRARIES Gateway to NJ Library Community, including New Jersey Organizations, Listservs & Online Forums, Library Directories, Jobs in New Jersey, and more! |
TEACHING INFORMATION LITERACY This grant program will provide education and training resources for New Jersey's schools and libraries. |
GOVERNING DOCUMENTS LLNJ Bylaws, FY2023 Budge, & more |
SKILL SHARING CONVERSATIONS All LLNJ members are welcome to attend these one-hour virtual conversations on relevant library topics. |
DELIVERY STATS REPORT FORM Use this online form to submit the total delivery statistics for packages shipped at the end of the month |
EDI MEET-UPS & PROGRAMS List of meet-ups and programs on EDI topics |
VOTING REPRESENTATIVES The Voting Representative of our multi-type members shall have one vote. Find the list of the voting representatives |
MentorNJ PROGRAMS & EVENTS List of the programs and events hosted by MentorNJ |
PAST GRANTS & PROJECTS List of the past grants, projects, and initiatives of LibraryLinkNJ |
EXECUTIVE BOARD LLNJ Executive Board Meeting Dates, Approved Meeting Minutes, Members, and Representatives to Library Network Review Board |
SUMMER BOOK BASH Join us for our second annual Summer Book Bash, a celebration of NJ library staff |
DELIVERY STATS REQUIREMENTS & DELIVERY LOG FORMS Find details about the Delivery Statistics Requirements |
PAST EDI PROGRAM RESOURCES EDI Conferences, Cutural Heritage Celebrations, and more! |
MEMBER & PARTNER UPDATES Stay up-to-date with the latest member and partner news and updates |
ONLINE MEET-UPS FOR EVERYONE The MentorNJ Task Force hosts online meet-ups on various topics to provide a virtual space for all NJ library staff to discuss their concerns, share their ideas, and 'hang out' with their colleagues. |
LIBRARY JOB OPENINGS LLNJ Member Libraries' Job Postings |
AI SERIES Delve into various AI topics in our programs! |
DELIVERY SERVICE SUPPORT FORM Use this form for any issues and requests related to delivery services, such as problems, questions, requests for library closures, and delivery bins and bags |
NJ WIFI Locator Map developed by TOPCATS, in collaboration with NJSL, LLNJ, & NJLA, to expand and enhance the New Jersey State Library’s Drive Up Wifi Map |
NEW JERSEY STATE LIBRARY LibraryLinkNJ and its services are funded by the New Jersey State Library, which is responsible for the coordination, promotion, and funding of the New Jersey Library NetworK |
SMALL LOCAL MEET-UPS Library staff in NJ are encouraged to organize and participate in small local meet-up sessions on a variety of themes |
LLNJ TECHNOLOGY ADVISORY GROUP (L-TAG) | PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT ALLIANCE (PDA) Explore the programs available to LibraryLinkNJ Members through PDA! |
CONNECT - MEMBER MAILING LIST (LISTSERV) Stay connected and communicate with other members |
MENTORNJ TASK FORCE Meet the leaders of the MentorNJ service! |
NEWS & UPDATES | PAST PROGRAMS Access our past program recordings and materials |
MENTORLIB MENTORS' DIRECTORY Library workers who are willing to be a mentor to anyone who is seeking help in their professional development and/or to develop a network of colleagues |
LLNJ CODE OF CONDUCT | LearningSpace On-Demand Training Portal powered by Niche Academy is a new option for Professional Development from LibraryLinkNJ | GUIDELINES FOR MENTORS & MENTEES Find out more information about how MentorLIB Mentors' Directory Works |
OUR OFFICE/ SUPPORT Member Support Forms, Contact information, Office Hours, Directions |
PRESENTERS We have a growing list of presenters who have participated in LLNJ programs |
EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBERS ONLY AREA | CALL FOR PRESENTERS If you are interested in presenting or running trainings with LibraryLinkNJ, please fill out this online form! |