Rent-A-Consultant Funding Initiative

Rent-A-Consultant Funding Initiative


LibraryLinkNJ Rent-A-Consultant Funding Initiative

FY18 (July 2017 to June 2018) Offer for All Members of LibraryLinkNJ, The New Jersey Library Cooperative

LibraryLinkNJ offers funding of up to $1,500

This service offers subsidies to member libraries to help defray the cost of hiring a library consultant for targeted service improvements through the Rent-a-Consultant funding initiative.

How Does This Funding Program Work?

  • Libraries may submit one application per organization or school district.
  • We will provide funding of up to $1,500 for each approved application
  • Applicants are required to provide a minimum match of 25% of subsidy funds ($375, assuming a subsidy request of $1500)
  • Application period is from Tuesday, January 2, 2018 to Tuesday, May 15, 2018
  • Applications will be reviewed and funding will be approved as they are submitted
  • There is a limited budget of $18,000 for this service, so please apply early
  • Funds are to be used exclusively for hiring and paying a consulting service and cannot be applied to any other purpose
  • Libraries are responsible for hiring and paying the consultant
  • The consulting work must target a library service. You will be asked to provide specific information about your consultant, their fee and scope of work See: How do we proceed for details
  • Submitting an application does not guarantee approval
  • Approval will be based on how well the information provided on the Application Form meets the funding criteria
  • Successful applicants must file a progress report with LibraryLinkNJ by Friday, December 28, 2018 and a final report by Friday, June 28, 2019.
  • Funding check must be deposited and cleared no later than Friday, June 29, 2018.

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Who is Eligible to Apply?

All member libraries are eligible. Library branches and individual school libraries may apply, but only one application can be submitted per organization or school district.

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What are the Requirements for Applying for Funding?

  • Applicant must be a member of LibraryLinkNJ
  • Applicant must have at least 25% matching funds ($375, assuming a subsidy application of $1500) to add to the project budget.
  • Applicant must meet the funding guideline criteria
  • Applicant must meet submission and funding deadlines
  • Applicant must agree to report back to LibraryLinkNJ on relevant outcomes of funding

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What are the Funding Guideline Criteria?

  • The LibraryLinkNJ funds are exclusively for the direct hiring of a special, outside consulting service that targets the planning or creation of new services or improvement of existing library services to users. The funds are designated for paying a consultant only, and may not be used to pay for any other materials or services.
  • Examples of what will be funded. (You are not limited to these examples)
    • Hiring a consultant to:
      • Plan and assess technology
      • Plan construction/renovation/space
      • Plan a new user service
      • Improve existing user services
      • Create new or improved graphics, PR or marketing services
      • Create a fundraising campaign
  • Examples of what will not be funded:
    • Operational expenses of any kind
    • Legal work
    • Work on an audit or any other business or financial services
    • Programs or events, event sponsorships
    • Scholarly research
    • Resources needed to run an annual fundraising campaign
    • Professional development
    • Purchasing of technology, equipment, supplies or any other type of goods.
  • The library may add as much of its own funds as it wishes to the project
  • The library may seek local partnership funding from sources outside the library, but the consulting is for the exclusive support of a library-centric service.

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What are my Library’s Responsibilities?

  • Your library will be responsible for the following:
    • Contacting, hiring, paying, and working with the consultant
    • Supervising all aspects of the consultant’s work
    • Appointing a staff member to act as liaison for all contact with LibraryLinkNJ.
    • Keeping LibraryLinkNJ informed of any changes to your arrangement with the consultant or changes to the work project
    • Filing a progress and final report on the relevant outcomes with LibraryLinkNJ office.

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How will this program be administered by LibraryLinkNJ?

  • Applications will be reviewed and approved by the LibraryLinkNJ Executive and Assistant Directors on a first come, first served basis.
  • Notification of acceptance or rejection will be made within three business days.
  • An award letter will be sent to the library documenting the payment and funding details
  • Timeline:
    • Announcement date: Tuesday, January 2, 2018
    • Start date: Tuesday, January 2, 2018
    • Last date to apply: Tuesday, May 15, 2018
    • Check deposit and clear date: no later than Friday, June 29, 2018
    • Progress report: Friday, December 28, 2018
    • Final report: Friday, June 28, 2019

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We are interested! How do we proceed with submitting an application?

The library will provide the following information in the application form:

  • Description of the consulting project
  • Identify need(s), specific activities, numbers served, expected outcomes and metrics used to measure impact of the project that the consultant will be working on.
  • Name of consultant/consulting firm
  • Consultant/consulting firm’s contact information
  • Upload a copy of the consultant’s quote for service.
  • The quote needs to include the scope of work and the fee charged
  • Provide a budget for the consulting service detailing LibraryLinkNJ funds and library’s funds.
  • Confirm that the library has followed its own purchasing guidelines

Go here to complete an application form.

If you have any questions, please call the office (732-752-7720) and ask for:

Joanne Roukens, Assistant Director, jroukens [at] (jroukens[at]librarylinknj[dot]org)


Kathy Schalk-Greene, Executive Director, kathy [at] (kathy[at]librarylinknj[dot]org)


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