New Jersey Makers Day 2025

We are pleased to announce registration is open for New Jersey Makers Day 2025! Join us for our 11th year of New Jersey Makers Day March 21-23, 2025!

Register your site by completing our form here.

Applications for our competitive Mini-Grant program are also open through 5pm on December 6, 2024. NJMD Mini-Grants are a great way to earn funds for your site’s event, and you must be a registered location in order to apply! Applications and more information, including best practices to win NJMD grant funding, are available here:

Besides professional development and grant opportunities, registering for New Jersey Makers Day grants your site an opportunity to become part of the strong and engaging network of New Jersey Makers Day, with access to each other and to the NJMD Executive Board and Committees.

Any questions about NJMD registration, mini-grants, or getting involved on the NJMD Board or Committees can be directed to Emily Witkowski, Site Support Chair, at Email

Don’t forget about the NJMD store! Get your NJMD gear early and work your event in style. Learn more about NJ Makers Day at our website :