Jasmine Riel

Photo of Jasmine Riel
Teen Librarian
Cherry Hill Public Library
NJ - County
Areas of Expertise
Young Adult Program & Services
Young Adult Collection Development & Management
Teen Volunteers
Marketing and Public Relations
Social Media Management
School Outreach
Summer Reading
Types of Libraries I have worked in
About Me

Hello! My name is Jasmine Riel (she/her) and I am the Teen Librarian at the Cherry Hill Public Library in Cherry Hill, NJ, where I have also been a Library Assistant to Youth Services and an Adult Services Librarian. My various responsibilities include managing all young adult collections, implementing teen programming, selecting and overseeing all student volunteers, performing community outreach, and creating print and digital marketing materials for teen services. Major projects I've worked on at the library include our annual teen summer reading program, our teen space period pantry, and revamping our teen social media accounts. Outside of my library work, I am also a Young Adult literature reviewer for Kirkus Reviews. I have been an NJLA Emerging Leader and a member of the NJLA Newsletter Editorial Board. Whether you're a teen librarian looking to start your own Teen Advisory Board or a library intern seeking more information on public librarianship, I am happy to help! Please do not hesitate to send me an email.