Call for Presenters: LLNJ Fall Virtual Conference on Inclusion

Call for Presenters: LLNJ Fall Virtual Conference on Inclusion

LibraryLinkNJ is pleased to announce that our fourth annual one-day virtual conference is scheduled for Wednesday, September 25, 2024!

This year’s conference theme is Inclusion - a broad but vital topic that has the power to inform how we approach so much of the work we do in libraries every day. We seek to spend a day with presenters from within and outside of the library profession exploring ways to be intentional about Inclusion in libraries.

What do you have to share about inclusion? Whether it's a review of your academic research into inclusion in the library world, or an opportunity to share real-life tips for bringing intentional inclusion into your programs, collections, teaching practices and more - there just may be a spot for you as a presenter at our fall virtual conference! We're seeking presentations on all types of inclusion from all types of organizations; LLNJ membership is not required.

Our Program Proposal Form is open now, and we encourage you to submit a proposal for the opportunity to join us as a conference presenter. We’re seeking a wide variety of presentations on any and all types of Inclusion. Simply complete the Form below:

LLNJ Fall Virtual Conference 2024 - Program Proposal Form


Fill out and submit the call for proposals form no later than Friday, July 19th to be considered!

For more conference information, visit the Fall Inclusion Conference page on our website!