LibraryLinkNJ Member Support Updates

LibraryLinkNJ Member Support Forms
LibraryLinkNJ is pleased to announce that our members can contact us with any questions, suggestions, or concerns related to billing, delivery service, and website support via our Zoho Desk. Please use the following LibraryLinkNJ member support forms, and we will continue to serve you in a timely and organized manner.


If you have any questions or need assistance with billing for delivery service, program registration invoice, etc., please use this form.


Use this form for any issues and requests related to delivery services, such as problems, questions, library closures, and requests for delivery bins and bags.
Note: For delivery statistics, please use our Delivery Stats Report Form.

WEBSITE SUPPORT FORM Use this form if you need assistance with your user account or if your library/organization needs to update its information, including the voting representative, primary contact, and delivery contact.


Please visit our Support page to find contact information for any other questions.


Find Your Pathfinder on LibraryLinkNJ’s website
We have also created the following pathfinder pages for our multi-type members. Compiled by designated liaisons at LibraryLinkNJ, each pathfinder page is designed to guide our members of each type in navigating and finding the most relevant information and the best programs we offer for their library and staff.

Member Types Link to Pathfinder
Academic Libraries
Public Libraries
School Libraries
Special Libraries
Library Agencies/Organizations