Now Available on the LearningSpace

Explore the first entry in a three-part series on information literacy, featuring author and educator David Cooper Moore. Who Knows? Reframing Information Literacy for a Wider Audience is designed for librarians and educators who are navigating the complexities of using digital resources effectively. Moore focuses on the significance of recognizing who creates the information we consume and why it matters. This approach is especially relevant as we align with New Jersey's new State Standards on information literacy, emphasizing the need to evaluate the credibility of information sources.

A thumbnail image with the module's name and an icon of a person with a question mark appearing in a thought bubble near their head.

The module is currently available to view on the LearningSpace, our intuitive platform designed for flexible and self-directed learning. This presentation is part of a large catalog of professional development opportunities provided by LibraryLinkNJ. Start with our introductory Welcome module to learn more.