ALA Editions Webinar “Serving Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder”

Event Information
Event Type
Continuing Education - Webinar
Event Category
Collection Development
Customer Service
Professional/Personal Development
CEU Hours


LibraryLinkNJ is subsidizing the cost for 10 individual members to take this online training from the American Library Association.  The price to you is just $23! That’s a 70% discount off the list price of $75.

Please send payment (purchase order or check payable to LibraryLinkNJ) to:


44 Stelton Road, Suite 330

Piscataway, NJ 08854

LibraryLinkNJ subsidizes the cost of each class to make high-quality, low-cost training available to staff of member libraries. Please pay registration fees promptly.

IMPORTANTRegistering for this class commits you to submitting payment and to taking the class.  No cancellations or refunds are possible for ALA eLearning discounted offerings.

When LibraryLinkNJ purchases a seat in an ALA eLearning class or course, there is no possibility of our receiving a refund.  This means, if you change your mind about taking this course, we cannot give you a refund.  This is important for you to know, as this is different from the refund policy for LibraryLinkNJ programs.


LibraryLinkNJ will purchase 10 individual registrations for the online, real time ALA Editions webinar “Serving Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder” with Lesley S. J. Farmer

Date and Time:

Wednesday, November 13, 2:30-4:00 pm Eastern: Session 1
Wednesday, November 20, 2:30-4:00 pm Eastern: Session 2

The first 10 members to register by the deadline of 4 PM on Wednesday, October 30th are eligible for this discount.  A waiting list is available. 

Please note: sessions are not available for individual purchase.

Program Description:

Serving Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ALA Editions Workshop)

Autism is now the second most commonly diagnosed serious developmental disability, and the number of children identified as autistic continues to grow.  In this workshop, Dr. Lesley Farmer will take you through the basics of autism, explaining the forms the condition can take and how diagnosed children tend to be unique.

You will learn the library-specific challenges of dealing with this population, as well as best practices for both interacting with the children one-on-one and making the library environment as a whole more friendly. You will learn about resources and instructional strategies for dealing with this population.

Topics Include:

  • Identifying youth with ASD and understanding their developmental challenges
  • Making your library environment comfortable for youth with ASD
  • Strategies for successful one-on-one interaction
  • Understanding the print and digital resources available to librarians

About the Instructor: 

Dr. Lesley S. J. Farmer, professor at California State University, Long Beach (CSULB), coordinates the Librarianship Program. She earned her MS in library science at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, and received her doctorate in adult education from Temple University. Farmer has worked as a librarian in K–12 school settings, as well as in public, special, and academic libraries. She is incoming chair of the Education Section of the Special Libraries Association, and she is the International Association of School Librarianship’s vice president of association relations. Farmer is a Fulbright Scholar and has received the Distinguished Scholarly Activity Award from CSULB, several professional association awards, and national and international grants. Farmer’s research interests include information literacy, assessment, collaboration, and educational technology. A frequent presenter and writer for the profession, Farmer has published two dozen professional books and more than a hundred professional book chapters and articles.


Online Access Information:

After the registration deadline, LibraryLinkNJ will assign a "seat" for the webinar from ALA to each particpant.  We will provide ALA with particpant contact information. ALA will then send confirmation and all information needed to access the webinar directly to the participant's email.

Further technical information is at the ALA TechSource FAQ page.

This webinar is hosted by ALA and no one at LibraryLinkNJ can help you with technical problems, so please follow the instructions from ALA and read everything carefully in advance of the first class.

Once you have received instructions from ALA and have any questions about access, you can contact Dan Freeman at ALA - dfreeman [at] or call him at 312-280-5413.

Registration Information


Deadline for Registration is 4 pm, Wednesday, October 30, 2013

IMPORTANTRegistering for this class commits you to submitting payment and to taking the class.  No cancellations or refunds are possible for ALA eLearning discounted offerings.

When LibraryLinkNJ purchases a seat in an ALA eLearning class or course, there is no possibility of our receiving a refund.  This means, if you change your mind about taking this course, we cannot give you a refund.  This is important for you to know, as this is different from the refund policy for LibraryLinkNJ programs.

UserAccount: You need a User Account to register for any CE event.  If you have not done so already, go to ( and set up your User Account.