First Amendment Audit Training for Frontline Staff

Event Information
Event Type
Continuing Education - Webinar
Event Category
Legal Issues
Professional/Personal Development

Online via Zoom

Target Audience

Front Line Library Staff

Free of Charge

First Amendment Audit Training for Frontline Staff

First Amendment audits of libraries are a growing trend and a very real challenge for frontline staff to handle. Chances are increasing that library staff will be faced with a First Amendment auditor's attempt to get footage for their social media. In this webinar, learners will gain basic knowledge about First Amendment audits, what typically happens during an audit, and the key strategies for successfully navigating an audit. Video examples of audits created by Vernon Area Public Library staff will be used to highlight what (and what not) to do during an audit.
Dustin Smaby is the Circulation Supervisor with the Vernon Area Public Library District. He has served with VAPLD for over 6 years, and has worked in various roles across Illinois libraries for the past 13 years. His roles included adult reference, teen programming, circulation, interlibrary loan, and volunteer coordinating. Dustin is known for his enthusiasm and service to Illinois libraries. He has spread awareness across Illinois and beyond to the growing threat of First Amendment audits, and this continues to be his goal.

Professional Development Alliance of Library Consortia

Made available to you via the Professional Development Alliance of Library Consortia.

Registration Information
  • This event is hosted by CARLI (Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois) and made available to you via the Professional Development Alliance
  • CARLI will handle all registration and event communication

Contact Us

If you have any questions or need assistance regarding this program,  please contact our staff:

Darby Malvey
Darby Malvey
Programming and Outreach Manager
732-752-7720 ext. 105