MentorNJ In-Person Networking Event 2016

Event Information
Event Type
LibraryLinkNJ Event
Event Category
Professional/Personal Development
CEU Hours

Monroe Township Public Library (Middlesex County)

Target Audience


Free of charge: includes a delicious buffet lunch
Event Materials

MentorNJ Networking Event

A day that is dedicated exclusively to networking and celebrating the profession
Come and join this MentorNJ in-person networking event!

Win some great prizes in our raffle
Have your headshots done for your resume or social media profiles for free!

10:30 - 11:05 am 
& Networking
Keeping It Current with Your Professional Network
Meet wonderful NJ library mentors and mentees
(Refreshments will be served!)

11:05 - 11:15 am 
Greetings & Introduction

11:15 - 12:30 pm
Killing Me Softly 
presented by Fobazi Ettarh, Temple University Library

12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
Lunch, Networking & Headshot Sessions
Enjoy the networking time with your colleagues and make new friends and
Have your headshots done for free by a professional photographer!
(A lovely catered lunch will be served!)

2:00 pm - 2:45 pm 
Better Together: The Critical Role of Networking and Professional Development in Librarianship
presented by Courtney Young
Past President of ALA, 2014-2015
Head Librarian & Professor of Women's Studies
Kelly Library​, ​Penn State Greater Allegheny

2:45 - 3:45 pm
Table Discussions 
Participate in table discussions for various topics of your interest,
which will be led by a group of librarians who have extensive knowledge and experience in those topic areas:
Marketing Yourself led by Tiffany McClary, Director of Communications, Marketing & Outreach, NJSL
Self-Care led by Sophie Brookover, Program Coordinator & Social Media Manager, LibraryLinkNJ
Diversity at Library Workplace led by Selwa Shamy, Support Services Manager, Somerset County Library System
What Library Schools Are or Are Not Teaching led by Dr. Marie L. Radford, Professor, Department of Library and Information Science, and Director, PhD Program in Communication, Information, and Library Studies, Rutgers Univ.
School Libraries & The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) led by
James Keehbler, Director & Allen McGinley, Associate Director, Pisctaway Public Library
and Lorie Harding, Head of Instructional Services, The Bunn Library, The Lawrenceville School

3:45 - 4:00 pm
Raffle Drawing& Closing
Raffles are for individuals, not libraries, so take your chance to win some great prizes for yourself!
Prizes include: iPad mini 4, Pebble 2 smart watch, Amazon Echo Dot with Bluetooth speaker and more
MentorNJ Networking Event Raffles - iPad mini 4, Pebble 2 smart watch, Amazon Echo Dot with Bluetooth speaker and more
(Raffles sponsored by LibraryLinkNJ)

Courtney L. Young About the Presenters:

Courtney L. Young is currently Head Librarian and Professor of Women’s Studies at Penn State Greater Allegheny. She previously held library positions at Penn State’s Beaver and University Park campuses, at Michigan State University, and The Ohio State University. She has served in a variety of leadership roles in the American Library Association (ALA), including being elected the 2014-2015 ALA President.
Read more about Courtney!
Fobazi M. Ettrah

Fobazi M. Ettarh is a 2015-2017 Resident Librarian at Temple University. A school librarian by training, she specializes in information literacy instruction, K-12 pedagogy, and critical digital scholarship. She received her Masters in Library Science from Rutgers University and is the author of Making a New Table: Intersectional Librarianship in In The Library with the Lead Pipe.




MentorNJ - Linking Library Staff Statewide,
a new joint initiative funded by the New Jersey State Library and LibraryLinkNJ.
It is co-sponsored by the NJLA Professional Development Committee &
Leadership and Education Subcommittee. 
This networking event is also produced in collaboration with the NJLA Member Services Committee.


Registration Cancellation:

If you cannot attend the event, please let us know as soon as you can!

Class/event cancellations due to snow or severe weather conditions will be listed on our main page. We will be in contact with you for rescheduling in case of the event cancellation. 

Registration Information


  • Registration is open now! The registration will open through Wednesday, November 2, 12 noon or until it is filled. Online registration only.
  • Participation will be limited to 100 people.
  • At the completion of your registration, you will be asked to fill out the event activity form! Please help us make the event as successful as possible by submitting this form. 

Register online by using the links below.  You can only register yourself.

You need a User Account to register.  If you do not have a User Account, create one using this user account registration form. It can take up to 48 hours to have an account approved.