Skill-Sharing Conversation: Building Positive Patron Relationships

Event Information
Event Type
LibraryLinkNJ Event
Event Category
Customer Service
Professional/Personal Development

Online Via Zoom

Target Audience

Public Service Staff

Free of charge

LLNJ Skill Sharing Conversation

Skillsharing Conversations are one-hour, virtual conversations on relevant library topics. Each conversation will follow an agenda and will be moderated by one of our talented colleagues, providing a great opportunity for the NJ Library community to learn and grow together. All LibraryLinkNJ members are welcome to attend.

Title: Skill-Sharing Conversation: Building Positive Patron Relationships

Date: Thursday, February 24, 2022
Time: 2pm - 3pm

Moderator: Melody Scagnelli-Townley, Outreach Librarian, Bayonne Public Library

Registration Information