Lorelle Shea

Librarian 2, Teen Services
The Ocean County Library
NJ - County
Areas of Expertise
Teen Programming
Teen Zone Decoration/Environmental Design
Teen Engagement and Passive/Pop Up Programming
Supporting Teen Mental Health and Serving at-Risk Youth
Teen Volunteers
Types of Libraries I have worked in
About Me

Hello! My name is Lorelle and I am a Teen Services Librarian at the Ocean County Library. I have a passion for serving teens, and would love to connect with you about ways to better serve teens at your library.

Christi Aldellizzi

Librarian 4, Collections
Ocean County Library
NJ - County
Areas of Expertise
Collection development
Collection arranging & processing
Digital collections
Project Management
Time Management & Staff Scheduling
Types of Libraries I have worked in
About Me

I am the Librarian 4 overseeing the Collections Department for Ocean County Library.

Technology Meetup

Date & Time
Meetup Description

MentorNJ Technology Meetups are an informal for library staff to get together and discuss any sort of tech issues your facing, exciting new developments, bounce ideas, look for solutions, or pretty much everything else in between when it comes to tech.

We keep live meeting notes which are shared with all attendees as well as the larger library community on the LibraryLinkNJ website. If interest, we hope you will join us for what are always very informative, substantative and lively discussions.

To attend any of our MentorNJ Tech Meetups (there are 4-6 per year), including this one, you can use the following registration form: https://forms.gle/1EqzqcnUwv5ZZj66A

Site-host: jwallace [at] ocean.edu (John Wallance), Emerging Technologies & Systems Librarian

Meetup Host(s)
Doug Baldwin
Contact Phone #
732-463-1633 x4114
Library/Organization Name
Piscataway Public Library
Location (Address)
1 College Dr, Toms River, NJ

Ocean County Library - Lakewood Branch



Both morning and evening classes are held throughout the year.  Call the Lakewood Branch's Info Services desk for schedules and registration dates.  732-363-1435 ext. 2100 or email the BM at csheridan [at] theoceancountylibrary.org

Students may register for the two classes offered on Saturdays (9am - noon and 1pm - 4pm) on any Saturday at the beginning of a class.  Registrations are usually held at the beginning of the Fall/Spring semesters for Tues/Thurs morning or afternoon evening sessions and the Mon/Wed morning sessions. During the summer we may be holding Tues/Thurs evening classes.

We also offer Citizenship Prep classes at different times during the year and an active English Conversation Group on Monday nights at 6:30pm.

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