Cynthia Lambert

Instructor/Presenter Information
cynthlam007 [at]
(609) 658-5840
Instructor/Presenter Bio

Cynthia Lambert is a Reference Librarian at the NJ State Library in the Law Library. Cynthia has worked for many years in a public library setting. Prior to becoming a librarian, Cynthia spent over 10 years a Financial Analyst for Dow Jones Indexes and Bloomberg News, Cynthia pairs her expertise in financial reference and customer service, with a passion for public library service. Cynthia is active in NJLA as part of the Emerging Technology Section, she is the past NJLA Treasurer, and a member of the Finance and Investment Committees.

Cynthia is passionate about communication, customer service, and using technology to enhance service and communication. She loves to teach, solve problems, and is dedicated to life-long learning. In her spare time she loves to knit, hike, and bike.

One of the Professional Development Consultants for the LibraryLinkNJ On-Site, On-Demand Staff Development - FY2020.

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