Advanced Topics in Mobile Technologies for Libraries: How Do We DO This Stuff, Anyway?

Event Information
Event Type
Continuing Education - Webinar
Event Category
Customer Service
Professional/Personal Development
CEU Hours
Target Audience

Public Librarians, School Librarians, Academic Librarians

Event Materials

Join Jason Griffey as he follows up his previous webinar, Mobile Technologies for Libraries, with a look at the practical details of using mobile devices (phones, personal media players and tablets) in a library setting.

We’ll discuss:

  • standout applications for library use
  • how to manage purchasing applications in a library setting
  • limitations of the various platforms
  • examples of libraries doing cutting edge work with mobile devices.

Jason will showcase a wide variety of apps, including those best for back-office use by librarians -- such as statistical gathering and library instruction -- and those your patrons use and will expect you to know and be able to offer assistance with, from children’s books to test preparation.

After attending this webinar, participants will:

  • Demonstrate awareness of about 20-30 apps for mobile devices that may be useful in a library setting
  • Examine and make decisions about the best platform for their particular library to focus on
  • Explain to library management the reasons for purchasing decisions in the mobile space of internet-accessible personal devices.
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