Applications are now open for the BLC Leadership Academy for Support Staff!

The BLC Leadership Academy for Support Staff is a three-day leadership retreat to be held from July 8-11, 2025 at the University of South Florida St. Petersburg Campus in St. Petersburg, Florida. BLASS is an intensive, high-engagement experience that goes beyond traditional leadership training. Participants will engage in workshops, hands-on learning, peer networking, and wellness programming. This program is open to those who are underrepresented and have been historically excluded in the library and information field who are (1) in supervisory roles, (2) do not possess an MLS degree, and (3) reside in the United States and/or its territories. Accepted participants will be awarded a travel stipend to attend. All other program costs, including meals and lodging, will be covered.

The deadline to apply for BLASS is Friday, March 21, 2025. Applications must be submitted via the form here. Please reach out to Cate Harriman, BLC Program Manager for Learning and Development, (Email) if you have any questions or need assistance with your application.

Applications are now open for the BLC Leadership Academy for Support Staff!