Instructions for Participating in the Spring FY19 LibraryLinkNJ Business Meeting via Adobe Connect in PDF ![]() |
Welcome to our online broadcast of the Business Meeting.
LibraryLinkNJ Spring Membership Business Meeting on Wednesday, June 5, 2019, 2:00 pm
Important Points:
- Your online meeting host is Joanne Roukens
- There will be no video, only audio of the proceedings
- Your microphone will not be enabled
- Please ask all your questions, (either about online procedures or pertaining to the agenda) in the chat box
- Joanne will be simultaneously listening to the LibraryLinkNJ officers presenting items from the agenda, reading your comments, and relaying them to the speaker.
- In accordance with a recent review of our bylaws, we can only accept votes cast in person by Voting Representatives or their proxy-holders. We cannot provide a mechanism for online voting.
- Joanne will not be available to assist you with technical issues the day of the Membership Meeting. Please contact her no later than June 4 if you have questions or need technical assistance regarding Adobe Connect. You can reach Joanne by email (jroukens [at] or by phone: 732.752.7720
- We recommend that you use a desktop or laptop computer with either a hard-wired or wireless connection. You can also use the Adobe Connect app on mobile device
- You will need good speakers, either via your monitor or attached component. You can also use a headset. You will not need a microphone
Testing Your Equipment and Connection Before the Meeting:
We strongly urge you do the following, at least one day prior to the webcast:
- We are using a webinar software package called Adobe Connect
- You need to become familiar with the online room layout and its functionality
- It is important that you test your computer at least one day prior to the meeting. Most computers will work just fine, but find out now if your computer has compatibility issues with Adobe Connect, and fix them
- Once you have tested your computer’s connectivity and compatibility with Adobe Connect, log into the room (instructions below). You may need to load some software. If this step is necessary, Adobe Connect will you when you log in, so leave yourself enough time before the meeting to load or update any software. This should load smoothly and quickly, but some participants may need to reboot their computer. We want you to be able to participate. The room will remain open only about 10 minutes without a host present, if you are logging in to test before the meeting on June 5th.
Logging Into the Online Meeting Room:
The LibraryLinkNJ Spring Membership Meeting login URL is:
On the day of the meeting webcast, log in:
- A few minutes before 2:00 pm
- Use the “Guest” option. You must use both your First and Last names to identify yourself.
- No special password is necessary
Run the Audio Setup Wizard
- Click on the “Meeting” tab in the menu bar at the upper left of the window
- Click on the Audio Setup Wizard and follow instructions
- You may need to select your speakers from drop-down menus
- Skip testing your microphone and the silence level
- Click “Finish”
Volume is controlled in a number of places:
- On the top of the screen in the online meeting room you will see a speaker icon. Next to it is a drop-down menu to adjust volume
- On the computer you are using. If you are not familiar with that control, seek it out and experiment with how it works
- On your speakers (if separate from your computer) and also sometimes on your headset (depending on the style/make)
- If you have any technical questions or problems in the days before the meeting, please call Joanne Roukens at 732-752-7720.
- If you have technical problems that day or during the meeting, we apologize, but no one will be available to help you.
- If you have any persistent problems with your audio/video during the meeting, we find that exiting and re-entering the meeting room fixes most issues. Occasionally you might experience some audio delay. This is usually caused by bandwidth issues and will correct itself in less than a minute.
When “any discussion/questions” is asked for by a LibraryLinkNJ Board Member:
- Please type in the chat box
- Joanne will read aloud your discussion points/questions so they can be addressed in the meeting
- You should be able to hear the reply through the meeting audio. Joanne will do her best to recap them in the chat box
When the Business Meeting has concluded, please exit the meeting room. If you’re away from your computer when the meeting ends, you’ll be ushered out virtually when Joanne closes the meeting room.
Thank you for joining us!