AI Ethics: A Library Perspective

Event Information
Event Type
Continuing Education - Webinar
Event Category

Online via Zoom

Target Audience

Open to all NJ library staff

Free of Charge, registration is required

AI Ethics: A Library Perspective

As libraries chart a course in the age of AI, there are a host of ethical issues we'll need to navigate. This talk will discuss a number of concerns, ranging from algorithmic bias to user privacy, as we work to answer the question: how can we adapt to a changing technology landscape while staying true to our professional ethics?

About the Presenter:
Nick Tanzi is the Assistant Director of the South Huntington Public Library. He is an internationally recognized library technology consultant and the author of the books Making the Most of Digital Collections Through Training and Outreach (2015) and the coauthor of the Best Technologies for Public Libraries: Policies, Programs, and Services (2020). Nick is a past column editor for Public Library Magazine’s “The Wired Library," and his work on the intersection of libraries and technology has been featured in publications including Computers in Libraries, Library Journal, and Marketing Library Services. Tanzi publishes at


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Registration Information
  • Registration is closed.
  • For more Information on this event, please contact the staff listed below.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or need assistance regarding this program,  please contact our staff:

Jon Braun
Jon Braun
Online Learning & Digital Content Specialist
732-752-7720 ext. 108
Mi-Sun Lyu
Director of Special Projects, PMP
732-752-7720 ext. 107