FAQ - New Jersey Library Makerspaces, 2013-2014

FAQ - New Jersey Library Makerspaces, 2013-2014

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Submit any questions by email to Sophie Brookover, sbrookover [at] librarylinknj.org (sbrookover[at]librarylinknj[dot]org)Since we anticipate many similar and repeat questions, we are addressing them here in this regularly updated page.


Question 1:

We are a multi-branch library system. How many branches per library system may apply for contracts under the Makerspaces Project?

Response 1:

We can accept only one application per library, including multi-branch library systems. Your proposed project may incorporate Makerspaces at more than one branch, and if your library is able to contribute to the project with local funds or with funding from a partner organization, your proposed project budget may exceed the amount of the subsidy for which you are eligible. In every case, the final subsidy amount you request will be tied directly to the project you propose.


Question 2:

When it comes to the 'actions/activities' section of the application, what does that mean? How the space would be used? Or what we would do to create it?

Response 2:

How an individual library’s makerspace would be used relates to an overall strategic goal and objectives.

Actions/activities relates to a bullet list of major steps to achieve the goal/objectives – indeed, what actions are needed to create it.


Question 3:

We are interested in applying for a subsidy under the Makerspace project, but have already been hosting maker-related programming and events for our community, so we feel we’re in a gray area with regard to eligibility. Can you help clarify this for us?

Response 3:

Answering a question with a question: is your programming simply programming, or is it a service strategy your Board has discussed and voted on? We ask because as stated within the program documents, “LibraryLinkNJ public, school, academic, hospital/medical libraries and library-related agencies that are in good standing and have not yet implemented a Makerspace strategy are eligible to apply for a contract award and the subsidy.”


Question 4:

Regarding the following question on the Project Application: "Which stakeholders and their interests will be served by the project? Who will make use of the product/service and how, who will be the suppliers?" In answering “who will be the suppliers?” does this mean the companies or vendors from whom we will buy the equipment?

Response 4: 

In this Stakeholder section, the most important component of the question resides with the answer regarding the stakeholders and their interest. For the Supplier part of the question, a response could include: (1) a list or narrative overview of the companies or vendors from whom the applicant intends to purchase equipment; (2) a makerspace bibliography that the applicant is exploring; (3) an organization with an existing makerspace which the applicant has queried and is utilizing recommendations; (4) an intended outside partner who is assisting with the development of the project and who has agreed to investigate equipment options; or (5) some other solution the applicant provides.


Question 5:

In the section about "Governance: Roles and responsibilities, who will own the project ", are you looking for regulations regarding public use of the equipment, or just ownership?

Response 5:

This section asks for information about what organization will own and maintain responsibility for the proposed makerspace project.


Question 6:

Should the Project Budget include the cost of staff time or just the equipment costs?

Response 6:

The project development section on Time frames for development and implementation could logically include not just the “time” but also the “who". An applicant could include staff time involved (projected staff hours – not staff costs) in this section.

The Project Budget section of the template should include estimated costs to implement and what organization(s) is providing the funding. All projects require staff time, however costs for staff time are not part of the budget section.