SLAAIT Presentations Showcase AI Ambassadors' Impact on Library Staff Development

LibraryLinkNJ AI Ambassadors Lead the Way in Harnessing Artificial Intelligence for Libraries

The State Libraries and AI Technologies working group (SLAAIT) invited the LibraryLinkNJ AI Ambassadors to present at two virtual sessions held on August 13 and August 20, 2024. These presentations provided a comprehensive overview of how the AI Ambassadors have been instrumental in guiding library staff through the rapidly evolving world of artificial intelligence (AI). The sessions highlighted both the success of previous workshops and the ongoing efforts to enhance library staff’s understanding of this ever-evolving technology. Links to each presentation are shared below for your reference.

August 13 - An Evergreen Learning Opportunity for Library Staff

The first presentation, held on August 13, was led by three AI Ambassadors from the PALS Plus network: Mary Martin (Wanaque Public Library), Heather Manley Caldwell (Ringwood Library), and ShaBree Henry (Paterson Free Public Library). The session focused on their experiences conducting AI workshops in May 2024.

During these workshops, over 80 library staff members from the PALS Plus network were trained on the fundamentals of AI. The Ambassadors covered how AI works, how to effectively use AI tools to achieve desired outcomes, and how these tools can significantly boost productivity and simplify tasks. The impact of these workshops was substantial, with attendees gaining valuable skills that could be immediately applied to their roles.

The Ambassadors shared insights into what went well during the workshops, offered suggestions for improving future sessions, and provided feedback from participants. They emphasized the importance of staying updated on AI developments, advocating for ongoing education to ensure that library workers can continue to benefit from AI tools. The session underscored the need for AI learning to be a continuous, evergreen process, ensuring that staff remain equipped to handle the evolving demands of modern librarianship.

August 20 - AI Ambassadors Recap & Highlights

On August 20, a follow up presentation focused on the broader AI Ambassadors program. This session featured a presentation by Jon Braun (LibraryLinkNJ) with support from Doug Baldwin (Piscataway Public Library), Jim Craner (The Galecia Group), and Mi-Sun Lyu (LibraryLinkNJ). The session provided a deeper dive into the program's impact and the experiences of those involved.

Jon Braun began by reviewing the initial training that introduced library staff to the foundational aspects of AI. He reflected on his own journey from a skeptical observer of AI to a curious participant. This transformation is emblematic of the broader goal of the AI Ambassadors program—to demystify AI and empower library staff to embrace it as a valuable tool in their work.

Jim Craner of The Galecia Group, who led the interactive training sessions, discussed his role in facilitating a deep understanding of AI among the participants. The presentation also reviewed the various themes explored by the AI Ambassadors as they developed and shared their own presentations, each designed to equip their colleagues with the knowledge and skills necessary to leverage AI in their libraries.

Following Jon's presentation, Kim Silk of SLAAIT facilitated a dynamic Q&A session, where Doug Baldwin, Mi-Sun Lyu, and Jim Craner elaborated on specific elements of the AI Ambassadors program. They discussed the challenges and successes encountered during the training and the subsequent application of AI tools in library settings. The conversation reinforced the importance of collaboration and knowledge-sharing in fostering a culture of innovation within libraries.

LibraryLinkNJ is proud of the impact made by this training and the opportunity to share our experience with the SLAAIT membership. Our presentations showcased the significant strides made by the AI Ambassadors in enhancing the understanding of AI as it continues to integrate with library operations. Through their workshops and ongoing education efforts, these Ambassadors are helping to ensure that library staff across New Jersey are well-equipped to navigate the complexities of AI, ultimately enhancing the services they provide to their communities.

If you're interested in learning more about artificial intelligence or would like to host a presentation by our AI Ambassadors at your library, please contact Jon Braun for more information via Email.