Beata Barrasso
Librarians and Library Staff Trauma Support Group
In the years post the Covid-19 pandemic, librarians are facing trauma at their workplaces almost daily. From verbal abuse, aggressive and violent patrons, to censorship issues and more, we are often tasked with duties and situations we never imagined we'd be assigned -which often lead to trauma, PTSD and mental health challenges.
Join us for this in-person opportunity to discuss difficult situations you may have faced in the library, share the things you've found helpful for protecting your own emotional and mental wellbeing, and make connections with others to help build your network of supportive colleagues.
The group will meet in Union County, but surrounding counties are welcome!
If you are planning to attend our meetup, please fill out this Google form so we have a better idea of attendance. We also invite you to fill out the form if you would like to attend, but can't because of the date and time so we can gain a better understanding of how to best schedule these meetups. If your library is interested in hosting, please let us know!
Trauma Response Support Group
In the years post the Covid-19 pandemic, librarians are facing trauma at their workplaces almost daily. From verbal abuse, aggressive and violent patrons, to censorship issues and more, we are often tasked with duties and situations we never imagined we'd be assigned -which often lead to trauma, PTSD and mental health challenges.
This meetup seeks to provide a community of support, resources and a place to discuss our mental well-being with a group of our peers. This group will meet in Union County, but surrounding counties are welcome!
If you are planning to attend our meetup, please fill out this Google form so we have a better idea of attendance. We also invite you to fill out the form if you would like to attend, but can't because of the date and time so we can gain a better understanding of how to best schedule these meetups.
Carina Gonzalez
Union Public Library
ESOL class session dates are the following:
Elizabeth Public Library
AM Class: Wednesdays 11AM
PM Class: Wednesdays 6PM
Elizabeth Public Library
Schedule varies - call LiteracyNJ at (908) 486-1777 for latest information.