Technology Speed Dating Programs - 2014

Event Information
Event Type
Continuing Education - Face-to-Face Presentation
Event Category
Professional/Personal Development
Resource Sharing
CEU Hours
Target Audience

Everyone working in libraries - no matter what type of library, level of knowledge, familiarity or comfort with tech. Mix and mingle with newbies and techies alike.


Payment (purchase order or check) payable to LibraryLinkNJ should be sent to:

LibraryLinkNJ, 44 Stelton Rd, Suite 330, Piscataway, NJ 08854

If you have any questions about payment, please contact us at 732-752-7720.

Event Materials

Presented by LibraryLinkNJ, the New Jersey State Library and the

New Jersey Library Association:



A New Series of Programs with New Content

Registration Opens Tuesday, November 19th, 9:00 am

Technology Speed Dating - Meet Attractive and Suitable Technologies

It's time to set your technology life in order and begin your search

for the tech of your dreams and live happily ever after!


In just three hours meet plenty of eligible technology.  Step back, observe and consider.  Ask yourself these questions:

  • Can I see myself living with technology for the rest of my life?
  • Do I see in these technologies such potential that I want to invest time in them?
  • Do these technologies have the character, values and goals that will foster my desire to help library users?

If you answer “yes” to any of these questions, this program is for you! Meet the right tech for you & your community! Learn from and with your colleagues in a relaxed, practical and fun environment!

Each program will feature:

  • Table talks staffed by expert colleagues - talk, listen, discuss, and learn one-on-one.
  • Hot topics: ebooks, social media (Pinterest, Tumblr, Instagram, etc.), makerspaces, Google Apps, coding, scanning solutions, Raspberry Pi, media apps (Zinio, Hoopla), tech programming and much, much more.  (Program content may be slightly different at each location.)
  • Gadgets and devices - get acquainted with your community’s favorite devices.
  • Short presentations on tech, best practices and resources.


Ensure that your library and you are the go-to resource for your community on 21st century information, learning, and consumer technologies.

Audience:  Everyone working in libraries - no matter what type of library, level of knowledge, familiarity or comfort with tech.  Mix and mingle with newbies and techies alike.

Each program will be scheduled from 10 AM - 1 PM, with coffee starting at 9:30.

SAVE THESE DATES! - Registration opens Tuesday, January 19th, 9:00 am.

Choose from three dates and three locations:

  • Tuesday, January 14, 2014, Parsippany Public Library (snow date is Thursday, Jan. 16th)
    • Registration Deadline: Monday, January 6th, 4 pm.
  • Wednesday, March 19, 2014, Monroe Twp. Public Library (Middlesex County)
    • Registration Deadline:  Thursday, March 6th, 4 pm. Extended to Thursday, March 13th - Just a few spots left!
  • Wednesday, April 23, 2014, Gloucester County Library, Mullica Hill
    • Registration Deadline: Thursday, April 10th, 4 pm. Extended to Thursday, April 17th - 12 noon.

Handouts from this year's and last year's programs can be found here.

Registration Information