NJ Wi-Fi Locator Map

New Jersey residents need equitable access to broadband Internet to access a wide range of critical resources from education and employment to banking and healthcare.

In an effort to address this ongoing problem, and help connect New Jersey residents to free and low cost wifi Internet access, the TOPCATS Futures Work Group is happy to announce the launch of the NJ Wi-Fi Locator map.

You can help your communities find access to the Wi-Fi they need by sharing the NJ Wi-Fi Locator map, which residents can view based on location or zip code, and then click on an individual Wi-Fi icon for site details, including location and Wi-Fi information.

This map was developed in collaboration with the New Jersey State Library, the New Jersey Library Association Public Relations Committee, and LibraryLinkNJ, to expand and enhance the New Jersey State Library’s Drive Up Wifi Map.

The TOPCATS Futures Work Group will continue to moderate and enhance the NJ Wi-Fi Locator map. If your public, school, or college/university library would like to be included, please fill out this brief online form (LLNJ user login required to use).

NJ Wi-Fi Locator Map