
Tag -- You're It! Becoming Visible and Vital

Advocacy and Communication Skills

Does it feel like no one knows what you do? Learn to brand your program and bring it front and center in your building and district. Let your stakeholders know what makes your program invaluable. Send a carefully-crafted message to showcase how your program is unique and indispensable. Create your elevator speech and tailor it to your audience.

After this workshop, participants will be able to:

Plan to Succeed or Plan to Fail: Strategic Planning on the Building Level

Advocacy and Communication Skills

While strategic planning is regularly done by associations, corporations, and other large entities under the guidance of a facilitator, school librarians need to develop and implement a strategic plan to avoid drowning in everyday details. Start with a Mission and build a two-to-three-year plan which incorporates all the components of a strategic plan. Be able to clearly see your direction and be able to celebrate your achievements.

After this workshop, participants will be able to:

How To Be a Building Leader… and Why You Need to Be One

Leadership, Team-Building and Customer Service

In today’s environment, being a leader is no longer an option: It is a job requirement. Recognize where you stand currently, identify the leadership qualities you have and which ones you need to develop. Learn the importance of having a Vision and a Mission and how to create them. Create a bare bones strategic plan. Everything you learn here will make you a better leader and will prompt colleagues and administrators to recognize the value of the library program.

After this workshop, participants will be able to:

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