
Formative Assessment- Feedback to Improve Instruction

Move beyond Kahoot to a wide range of online assessments (formative or summative). Explore Quizizz, Trivnety, Formative, Peardeck and more! Have limited access to devices in your library? See how Plickers can work (and you only need one phone/tablet. This class is designed for all experience levels. While several of these products interface with Google Classroom, this is not required. This is direct instruction session, but it will be useful for participants to have a device in order to participate.

iPads for Young Learners

Come explore a variety of free apps for young learners. Practice creating ChatterPIX and bringing pictures to life with Augmented Reality apps. Explore HP Reveal as a way to link the physical world to the digital one! Think Class Dojo is just for behavior? See what your students can create using their Portfolio feature. This class can be offered as hands on or direct instruction.

Visual Notetaking

If a picture is worth 1000 words…then consider Visual Notetaking (or Sketchnotes) for your students. The first part of the session will focus on the fundamentals of Visual Notetaking by hand, while the second part will include using online graphic organizers (in both Google Docs and Google Drawings). Participants will learn basic techniques and hands-on practice is an important part of this workshop. A variety of pre-made organizers will be available and lots of suggestions for visual notetaking implementation will be provided.

Great Digital Tools for Teaching & Learning

Want to learn ideas and implementation strategies for using high-quality digital tools with your K-12 students? This session will cover everything from easy, beautiful newsletters and digital stories to organizational tools and dynamic slideshows. This is a direct instruction version of Barbara’s hands-on workshop.

Some examples of things you and your students will be able to do after participating in this workshop:

The Teen Brain - Providing Quality Customer Service to Our Teen Patrons

Leadership, Team-Building and Customer Service

The library serves everyone, but that doesn’t mean that we are all instantly comfortable with everyone who walks through our doors. We may respond to teens based on unconscious prejudice or assumptions about their behavior and needs. Understanding and appreciating the way teens think can help us provide a welcoming atmosphere and set healthy boundaries with patrons in this unique developmental stage.

In this class, participants will:

Diversity Programming 101: Serving Your Entire Youth Community

Equity, Diversity & Inclusion

It's vital for library staff to know our community and find ways to meet their needs. In this workshop, you will learn how to locate your town's demographic data and develop a deeper understanding of the cultural differences among ethnicities. We'll focus on ways to attract teens from diverse socio-economic and ethnic backgrounds to your library with quality programs and a welcoming atmosphere. Pham will work with libraries who select this workshop to help them choose three out of the five learning objectives below.

Participants will be able to:

Build-Your-Own Hands-On Technology Workshop

Book 3 hours or 5 hours to learn that technology tool you’ve heard so much about, but haven’t quite made the time to learn and implement! From a wide menu of options, choose one or more technology tools for learning and sharing—including tools for storytelling, search, communication, curation, presentation—and prepare for an interactive, inspiring and practical session that will help you spice up your teaching practice!

Choose from tools such as:

Vision and Mission – What Makes You Unique

Advocacy and Communication Skills

While many school librarians believe they have a mission and a vision for their program, few have actually written one. Writing and relying on these two succinct statements (around 25 words each) allows busy librarians to make clear judgments about priorities. As a result, they are less likely to feel overwhelmed by the daily demands of the job. Posting these clearly worded statements in the school library can help LMS open dialogues with classroom teachers, leading to increased collaboration and decreased misuse of the Library Media Center.

Teaching with Purpose and Meaning: Essential Questions & Enduring Understandings

Curriculum & Programming

Essential Questions and Enduring Understandings are now required in curriculum maps as well as in unit and lesson plans. Learn what EQs and EUs are and how to use them to promote lifelong learning in the school library program. Participants will work in groups to incorporate EQs and EUs into their current lesson plans to provide additional meaning and purpose to their instruction.

After this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Integrate EQs and EUs into all their instructional practice
  • Collaborate more productively with classroom teachers
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