ALA Office for Diversity, Literacy and Outreach Services (ODLOS)

The ALA Office for Diversity, Literacy and Outreach Services supports library and information science workers in creating responsible and all-inclusive spaces that serve and represent the entire community. To accomplish this, we decenter power and privilege by facilitating conversations around access and identity as they impact the profession and those we serve. We use a social justice framework to inform library and information science workers' development of resources. We strive to create an association culture where these concerns are incorporated into everybody's everyday work. 

Site Navigation

  • What We Do - Our mission and scope
  • Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion - Initiatives and partnerships promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion in libraries and the library profession
  • Lifelong Literacy - Resources, grants, and initiatives supporting literacy across the lifespan 
  • Outreach Initiatives - Initiatives and programs geared to promote access to library services to all
  • Continuing Education - Strategic planning, workshops, webinars, and other presentations for library audiences
  • Member Groups and Affiliates - Committees, roundtables, and affiliate organizations which liaise with the Office
  • Events - Year-round and Conference-based events held by the Office
  • Staff - Contact information for ODLOS staff

ODLOS Newsletter


Resource Categories