Purchasing Procedures and Financial Controls Policies

Hi everyone,

Our library does not currently have a formal purchasing policy/procedure, nor do we have a Financial Controls policy. Our bookkeeper, who has been here 30+ years, is retiring soon so I think now is a good time to look at creating these policies for us.

As many people know, I prefer to CASE ("copy and steal everything") from other libraries instead of creating a policy from scratch. 

Vacation time for library staff

Hi, we're updating our library's personnel manual this year and I want to get an idea of how other libraries handle vacation time for library staff. If you have time to answer any of these questions I'd be grateful! 

* Number of days vacation for a newly-hired FT library director

* Number of days vacation for a newly-hired FT professional librarian

* Number of days vacation for a newly-hired FT paraprofessional

* Amount of time you must be employed before vacation time increases

* Do you follow the same vacation day schedule as your town?

Council Liaisons/Township MOU

Good Morning,

Do you have a Council Liaison  to your Library Board that attend meetings?

The Edison Public Library is interested in hearing from Libraries that have written policies, procedures or by-laws concerning that position.  How is the Liaison position handled during closed sessions, for example.

Do you have an MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) or Letter of Agreement with your Township on what services they provide to your Library and the sum that your Library pays for those services?

Fine free libraries?

Hello! I am looking for data on PUBLIC libraries in NJ and fines. Specifically, I am interested in hearing from libraries that have eliminated fines for books and materials, and what your experiences are.  Thanks in advance!

Renee Rogers, MLIS

Steinert High School, Hamilton, NJ

rrogers [at] htsdnj.org

Closing for inclement weather

Hi everyone,

I am looking for examples of municipal libraries' policies of closing due to inclement weather. 

I honestly hate making this decision, and my Board prez and I talked it over last week. She suggested that we should close based on what the schools do.  This sounds reasonable to me, except we have two school districts in town (so for instance, the elementary/middle school district decided to close by 7 pm Thursday evening in anticipation of last Friday's storm, but the high school district didn't make a decision til Friday morning.)

Online applications for library cards

Question for libraries that accept online applications for library cards:

When people apply online for a library card, how do they receive their card and/or barcode? Are they given  temporary access until they visit the library to pick up their card? Do you send cards out by mail? How do you handle the people who never come in to pick up their cards? 

Any input would be much appreciated. Thank you in advance.