Eva's Kitchen
Eva's Kitchen was founded in 1982 to help feed the hungry & the poor. Since our most recent expansion in 2011 Eva’s soup kitchen now serves a hot lunch for up to 400 homeless and working poor 365 days a year.
Phone: 973.523.6220
LibraryLinkNJ, The New Jersey Library Cooperative, serves over 2,500 multi-type libraries and library-related agencies. We connect all New Jersey's libraries to each other and to the resources they need to serve their communities.
• FY2023-25 STRATEGIC PLAN: LibraryLinkNJ's Vision, Mission, and Long-term Goals
• FY2023-25 ACTIVITY PLAN: Our living document to implement our Strategic Plan goals and objectives
LLNJ Bylaws, FY2025 Budget, Financial Reports, & more
LLNJ Executive Board Meeting Dates, Approved Meeting Minutes, Members, and Representatives to Library Network Review Board
Contact information, Office Hours, Directions
From hands-on classes to excellent lectures and webinars to training subsidies, LibraryLinkNJ strives to create training opportunities that make your job easier and more productive.
Our upcoming professional development programs offer a wide range of opportunities to enhance your skills, expand your knowledge, and expand your personal and professional growth!
All LLNJ members are welcome to attend these one-hour virtual conversations on relevant library topics.
A series of programs on various AI topics!
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Access our past program recordings and materials
We have a growing list of presenters who have participated in LLNJ programs
If you are interested in presenting or running trainings with LibraryLinkNJ, please fill out this online form!
The LibraryLinkNJ Delivery Service ensures timely access to the State's collective library resources for New Jersey residents by providing prompt transmittal of library materials. Find more information, including delivery service eligibility, policies, and procedures
Find the list of libraries on the delivery service and print labels for delivery
Download and post the delivery log form at the established Pickup/Dropoff spot. Use the form to record the number of outgoing packages shipped each day. Find more details about the Delivery Statistics Requirements
LLNJ Delivery Service ≠ NJSL JerseyCat
LibraryLinkNJ facilitates statewide, physical delivery of shared library materials for participating institutions, and is responsible only for the physical movement of materials. JerseyCat requests and associated actions are managed separately by the New Jersey State Library.
Use this form for any issues and requests related to delivery services, such as problems, questions, library closures, and requests for delivery bins and bags.
Use this online form to submit the total delivery statistics for packages shipped at the end of the month.
LibraryLinkNJ is committed to supporting Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) values among New Jersey libraries and the communities they serve.
Statewide project to develop a roadmap and framework that establishes a sustainable environment for the EDI efforts of NJ libraries and library organizations
The New Jersey Library Association, LibraryLinkNJ, and New Jersey State Library share a commitment to action towards achieving a New Jersey library community that demonstrates the values of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI)
List of meet-ups and programs on EDI topics, including the Asian Pacific Islanders Meet-up, Latino Library Staff Meet-up, and LGBTQI+ programs
EDI tools and tips tailored to empower library staff
EDI Conferences, Cutural Heritage Celebrations, and more!
Join LibraryLinkNJ! We strengthen connections among libraries of all types. We serve over 2,500 multi-type libraries and library-related agencies. Members join at no charge and pay no dues
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The Voting Representative of our multi-type members shall have one vote. Find the list of the voting representatives
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LibraryLinkNJ and its services are funded by the New Jersey State Library, which is responsible for the coordination, promotion, and funding of the New Jersey Library NetworK
Stay connected and communicate with other members.
The goal of this statewide service is to promote a sense of professional pride and connectedness among the New Jersey Library Community and to expand roles for library professionals now and in the future
Gateway to NJ Library Community, including New Jersey Organizations, Listservs & Online Forums, Library Directories, Jobs in New Jersey, and more!
List of the programs and events hosted by MentorNJ
The MentorNJ Task Force hosts online meet-ups on various topics to provide a virtual space for all NJ library staff to discuss their concerns, share their ideas, and 'hang out' with their colleagues.
Library staff in NJ are encouraged to organize and participate in small local meet-up sessions on a variety of themes
Meet the leaders of the MentorNJ service!
Library workers who are willing to be a mentor to anyone who is seeking help in their professional development and/or to develop a network of colleagues
Find out more information about how MentorLIB Mentors' Directory Works!
Instructions for TNLA Mentors |
We thrive to increase statewide resource sharing and collaborations
Find out how you can stay informed and connected with LLNJ and its member institutions, including our Google Group mailing list (member communication listserv) and various communication channels!
Group discounts for LLNJ Members --- Online Databases, Ebook/Audio Book, Streaming Media. Professional Development
This grant program will provide funds to aid libraries of all types as they take an existing project to new heights
List of the past grants, projects, and initiatives of LibraryLinkNJ
User Log-in Required
Eva's Kitchen was founded in 1982 to help feed the hungry & the poor. Since our most recent expansion in 2011 Eva’s soup kitchen now serves a hot lunch for up to 400 homeless and working poor 365 days a year.
Phone: 973.523.6220
CUMAC regularly fills over 3,000 requests for food a month for children, adults and seniors in need of regular and emergency assistance.
Clients may call 973-742-5518 for more information regarding hours and referrals.
Food Pantry
Monday: 11am - 2pm
Tuesday - Friday: 9am - 2pm
Templo Shalom Food Pantry está trabajando para ayudar a terminar con el hambre en la comunidad del rea de Paterson. La despensa de alimentos secas y enlatadas se hace cada Segundo y Ultimo Miércoles de cada Mes en el horario de 5 a 9 pm , hasta agotar existencias. En la mayora de los Domingos por la mañana entre las 10 am -12 pm . se producen disponibles. Por favor llame al (973) 742-8647 antes de hacer el viaje.
Temple Shalom Food Pantry is working to help end hunger in the community area of Paterson. The pantry of dry and canned food is becoming Second and Last Wednesday of each month between the hours of 5-9 pm, while supplies last. In most Sunday mornings from 10 am -12 pm. produced available. Please call (973) 742-8647 before making the trip.
Alternate Phone: 973.931.7324
Community Outreach Services, Inc.'s (COS's) core mission is the eradication of homelessness, hunger and poverty within the surrounding community. The COS Food Pantry is a powerful tool in the fight against hunger. The COS Food Pantry provides nutritious foods and household goods to over 1,200 families each month.
Phone: 973.341.9985
The purpose of the SPCDC Food Pantry is to provide supplemental food assistance to individuals and families who are unable to financially meet their daily nutritional requirements. Our ultimate goal is to develop self-sufficiency in our clients, and our food assistance program is intended as a "hand-up," not a "handout" in helping individuals and families achieve greater stability in their lives.
Clients who demonstrate need receive emergency grocery packages each containing an equivalent of 15 meals. We also distribute over 400 turkeys in November during our Thanksgiving Holiday Drive.
The St. Paul's Community Development Corporation (SPCDC) Emergency Men's Shelter provides emergency housing, clothing and food to as many as 40 homeless men per night. Our Shelter staff work to make each resident's stay as brief and helpful as possible by providing referrals for housing, employment, mental health and rehabilitation services.
Phone: 973.710.3900
The Hispanic Multi-Purpose Service Center (HMPSC), a non-profit organization, was founded in 1976 to advocate for North Jersey’s growing Spanish-speaking population and to provide social support services to those who were poor and powerless in the community.
Single Women in Transitional and Comprehensive Housing (SWITCH) available.
Food Distribution
Phone: 973.684.3320
A residential shelter for homeless families (women and their children). Residents receive sleeping accommodations and three meals per day, as well as assistance with finding permanent housing and services. Arrangements are made for residents to receive employment opportunities, mental health treatment, medical treatment, and substance abuse treatment and if needed to help support the family. The residents receive intensive case management. The objective of the program is to help homeless persons stabilize their lives.
Phone: 973.279.2333
Project Youth Haven is a 14-bed home for girls ages 11-17, who have experienced abuse, neglect or homelessness and are involved in the NJ Department of Children and Families.
The Passaic Teen Center opened its doors in 2000 to provide services for males age 11-17. The program is designed to assist children who are involved with DYFS and/or The Division of Child and Behavioral Health Services, due to a situation of homelessness or abuse and neglect.
Phone: 973.279.7100
Eva's Village Emergency Overnight Shelter for Women, at 31 Jackson Street, provides 36 emergency shelter beds for homeless single women 18 years of age or older.
Phone: 973.279.1004
Eva's Village Emergency Overnight Shelter for Men, in the Sister Cathy Center at 389 Main Street, provides 40 beds for homeless men 18 years of age and older.
Phone: 973.247.0143