Food Pantries

Human Needs Food Pantry

County (Counties) Served

Since 1982, the Human Needs Food Pantry has provided food, clothing, and other services to people in need who live in Montclair and neighboring communities in Essex County. Our diverse client base includes families and singles who are elderly, disabled, home-bound, unemployed, or underemployed (working poor). Eligibility is determined using federal guidelines, which base need on income. The Human Needs Food Pantry provides registered clients with grocery bags of fresh fruits and vegetables, meat, and non-perishables.

We are open Tuesdays and Thursdays from noon to 2:30 p.m. for client pick-up. We are also open on Thursday nights from 5:30-6:30 for clients who work during the day.

Phone:  973.746.4669

Service Types

New Hope Community Ministries

County (Counties) Served

New Hope Community Ministries is a faith-based, non-profit 501(c)(3) community development corporation dedicated to working with low-income residents of Haledon and Prospect Park, NJ.


Food Pantry

Food and goods are provided both by the state of New Jersey and private donors. Prospective participants are interviewed, fill out an application and provide evidence that they are eligible for assistance. If the criteria are met, a participant is given an appointment time for a monthly visit to New Hope’s food pantry.


Phone: 973-942-4059   

Service Types

Oasis: A Haven for Women & Children

County (Counties) Served

Oasis currently serves those fighting poverty by meeting numerous basic needs:

Daily breakfast and lunch

Food bags from our pantry

Clothing on an emergency basis

Diapers/other baby needs


During the holidays, Oasis also hosts special meals and distributes food and gift items donated from private sources. In 2014, close to 1,000 Thanksgiving meals were served while over 1,200 turkeys and 350 food bags were distributed. Just before Christmas, over 600 meals were served and over 5,000 toys were distributed by Oasis to our adult education students and the greater community.


Phone: 973.881.8307

Madison Avenue Crossroads

County (Counties) Served

Groceries provided (3 meals per day for 3 days per person)

One visit per month per family with children and seniors aged 62 and up

Need determination by referral or MACCM evaluation

OPEN Mon & Wed (10am-noon) at 498 Madison Avenue *CLOSED 1st week of each month *OPEN for emergencies


Phone:  973.278.5627 Ext. 10

Service Types

St. Peter's Haven

County (Counties) Served

Transitional Family Shelter

St. Peter’s Haven provides short term housing for homeless and at risk families.


Food Pantry

Our food pantry provides supplemental food to those in our community experiencing hunger. Currently, we serve over 1000 persons each month.


Food Pantry:

Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday: 9AM - 12 Noon


Phone: 973.546.3406 

Service Types

Father English Emergency Food Coalition

County (Counties) Served

The Father English Emergency Food Pantry is located at 435 Mail Street in Paterson, NJ. The emergency Food Pantry was started in 1988 and it works in cooperation with the Emergency Food Coalition which refers potential clients.  Eligible clients may access the available resources from the food pantry once a month. 


The Emergency Food Pantry’s hours of service are Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.  Potential clients who come for assistance after the pantry closes at 1:00 p.m. are not turned away.  The office remains open until 5:00 p.m. to distribute “over-night bags” to people in need who may return the next day and obtain a referral from the Emergency Food Coalition.


Phone:  973.279.7100

Service Types


County (Counties) Served

CUMAC regularly fills over 3,000 requests for food a month for children, adults and seniors in need of regular and emergency assistance.

Clients may call 973-742-5518 for more information regarding hours and referrals.


Food Pantry

Monday: 11am - 2pm

Tuesday - Friday: 9am - 2pm



Service Types

Congregation of Yahweh Temple Shalom

County (Counties) Served

Templo Shalom Food Pantry está trabajando para ayudar a terminar con el hambre en la comunidad del rea de Paterson. La despensa de alimentos secas y enlatadas se hace cada Segundo y Ultimo Miércoles de cada Mes en el horario de 5 a 9 pm , hasta agotar existencias. En la mayora de los Domingos por la mañana entre las 10 am -12 pm . se producen disponibles. Por favor llame al (973) 742-8647 antes de hacer el viaje.


Temple Shalom Food Pantry is working to help end hunger in the community area of Paterson. The pantry of dry and canned food is becoming Second and Last Wednesday of each month between the hours of 5-9 pm, while supplies last. In most Sunday mornings from 10 am -12 pm. produced available. Please call (973) 742-8647 before making the trip.

Alternate Phone:  973.931.7324

Service Types

Community Outreach Service Inc.

County (Counties) Served

Community Outreach Services, Inc.'s (COS's) core mission is the eradication of homelessness, hunger and poverty within the surrounding community. The COS Food Pantry is a powerful tool in the fight against hunger. The COS Food Pantry provides nutritious foods and household goods to over 1,200 families each month.

Phone:  973.341.9985

Service Types
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