Survey invitation: Patrons and conspiracy ideation


My friend at UNM and I are doing a follow up study to our recent article "A call to action for librarians: Countering conspiracy theories in the age of QAnon." The study involves surveying librarians about their encounters with patrons who express conspiracy ideation, and we are hoping to cast a wide net by using the state library associations to get the word out. Would you be willing to share this to your association listserv?

I appreciate any advice! Let me know if you have questions--the recruitment language is below.


Katie Greer


You are invited to participate in a research survey about interactions with patrons concerning conspiracy theories and related phenomena. Should you choose to participate, we expect the survey to take 15-20 minutes to complete. 

Unless you choose to self-identify, your response will be completely anonymous. You may request a summary of the survey results after participating. Your involvement in the survey is voluntary, and you may exit at any time. 

The findings from this project will provide information on the needs of librarians and other library staff when interacting with patrons who exhibit conspiracy ideation. This research has been approved by Oakland University's Office of IRB  (IRB-FY2021-410). If you have any questions, concerns, or complaints about the research, please feel free to contact CoPI's Katie Greer (greer [at] and Stephanie Beene (sbeene [at] The survey may be accessed at