
Shared general announcements from LibraryLinkNJ, membership and library community.

Digital Literacy Forum: Vital Conversations about Digital Literacy in NJ Libraries

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the racial, linguistic, and economic disparities in digital equity, and research is clear about the importance of digital literacy skills as a necessary skill-set for individuals, organizations, and communities to have in order to participate in our ever more connected society.


Win funding for community engagement: 2022 ELC pitch competition (May 5 deadline)

Submissions are now open for the Entrepreneurship & Libraries Pitch Competition: 

Five entries will be selected to pitch in the May 19th (3-4pm EST) pitch competition via Zoom, and all five libraries will win something:
1st place: $2,250 | 2nd place: $1,000 | 3rd place: $500 | 4th & 5th: $250
The audience choice award will be an additional $750 for one of the 5 libraries.
Thank you to EBSCO for sponsoring the event.


Historical and Cultural Context of the War in Ukraine

Historical and Cultural Context of the War in Ukraine

May 3, 2022 3 PM, Open to All

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has been at least as much about history as about geopolitics. This war doesn't just have historical causes; it is a war about the historical narrative itself—one that goes back many centuries. This talk will present an introduction to this history, along with an overview of Ukraine's diverse cultural and linguistic landscape.


Now showing: Princeton University Library’s latest exhibition showcases foundations of alchemy from 15th century to the time of Sir Isaac New

Princeton University Library’s latest exhibition showcases foundations of alchemy from 15th century to the time of Sir Isaac Newton

Princeton University Library’s (PUL) newest exhibition is now open in the Ellen and Leonard Milberg Gallery, Firestone Library. 


NJSL Social Workers in NJ Libraries Needs Assessment Survey

The incorporation of social-work-informed library services has become a powerful movement in the United States. To date, little research has been done to evaluate this trend in New Jersey libraries. In collaboration with the Long Branch Free Public Library, we are conducting this survey to establish baseline data on the employment of social workers and a foundation for future study on the provision of social services in NJ public libraries. Thank you for participating in this survey.


Registration Open for the 2022 NJLA Conference in Atlantic City

Dear Colleagues,

Registration is now open for the 2022 NJLA Conference at Harrah’s Waterfront Conference Center in Atlantic City.

Headlining the 2022 NJLA Conference will be a conversation with NY Times best selling author Imbolo Mbue (Friday), and academic librarian Xan Goodman (Thursday) speaking on humble leadership and cultural humility frameworks to navigate change.
