
Shared general announcements from LibraryLinkNJ, membership and library community.

Learn more about Peterson's Test and Career Prep Online

Dear colleagues,

Thanks to the New Jersey State Library, Peterson’s Test and Career Prep online resource is now available for free to all residents of New Jersey. No library card is needed. The PALS Plus Reference & Adult Services Committee has arranged short (30 minute) pop-up workshops with Stacey Knibloe, Gale Senior Training Consultant, to help us learn how to assist specific groups of library patrons with Peterson’s Test and Career Prep. All library staffers are invited and encouraged to attend.


UMSI is looking for projects for their grad students to do in their "Preserving Information Resources in a Digital Age" graduate-level class

Dear colleagues,

I am forwarding an email I received this afternoon from the University of Michigan School of Information. They are looking for projects that their students can work on during the winter semester, for a few specific classes (see below). I've worked with them twice and both times I have been very happy with the (free) work their students did for us.  If you can think of a project you might be able to use their help on, it might be worth applying (their deadline is Nov 16th).



JOIN US! Breaking Down Barriers Unconference 11/17

The NJLA Diversity & Outreach Section invites all library workers and community partners to attend a FREE unconference where you will leave feeling energized and excited to serve your community in new and inclusive ways.

The Breaking Down Barriers Unconference, co-sponsored by LibraryLinkNJ, The New Jersey State Library, and NJLA, will take place on Thursday, November 17, 2022 from 9:00am to 3:00pm at Elizabeth Public Library, in Elizabeth, NJ.


First Amendment Audits

Hi everyone,

I understand there have been several libraries in New Jersey who've recently experienced "first amendment audits." It hasn't happened at my library yet but I want to make sure we are as prepared as possible if it occurs.

If your library has experienced a first amendment audit, can you share how it went, whether you'd handle it differently the next time, if you have any advice on what to do or what not to do?


Interviewees needed for Rutgers Ebook Content Research Project (posted on behalf of Rutgers LIS PhD student Yunhee Shim)

Hello, I am posting this on behalf of Rutgers LIS doctoral student Yunhee Shim. I just spent an hour talking with her about ebook content management and she needs to interview more people who have experience purchasing/managing ebook content. Hope you'll consider contacting her.


Mary Martin, Wanaque Library


Dear public librarians,


NJ Makerspace Survey!

Please add your library to the scan of maker activities and makerspaces in New Jersey public libraries!

What is this survey?
The purpose is to document making and makerspaces in public libraries and how libraries play a role in supporting teens and new adults (ages 18-24) as innovators, entrepreneurs, designers, and problem solvers with real world impact. The survey is designed to learn from public library staff about what is valuable and what is needed.


Celebrate Health Literacy Month With Us!

October is Health Literacy Month!

All New Jersey library staff are invited to celebrate with us October 18th from 1-3 PM at East Brunswick Public Library.

Please join us to celebrate the achievements of public libraries in building healthier communities. Learn about health literacy programs by New Jersey libraries, such as NJHealthConnect@YourLibrary, Health Information Library on Wheels (HILOW), successful library partnerships, and Just for the Health of It! 
