2024 Statewide Summer Reading Program in New Jersey Libraries


Everyone of all ages is invited to discover that “Adventure Begins at Your Library: La Aventura Comienza En Tu Biblioteca” at their local public library this summer to celebrate this year’s adventure theme. The Statewide Summer Reading Program is funded by the New Jersey State Library, which is responsible for the coordination, promotion, and funding of the New Jersey Library Network. Click to learn more about this year's program and participate - https://www.njstatelib.org/news/2024-statewide-summer-reading-program-in-new-jersey-libraries/


Questions? Contact Sharon Rawlins, Project Coordinator, Statewide Summer Reading Program, Youth Services Specialist, Library Development Bureau, NJ State Library, at srawlins [@] njstatelib.org , 609.278.2640 ext. 116