ALA CORE-Call for Nominations


**Cross posted**

The Nominating Committee is soliciting nominees for the Spring 2022 ballot for the offices of Core President-Elect, Councilor, and Director-at-Large.

The Committee seeks qualified individuals with strong service and leadership records in ALA, Core, and/or the previous ALCTS, LITA, LLAMA divisions, (or equivalent library associations) who will successfully advance Core’s vision and values in close collaboration with other Board members and Core section leaders. Candidates will be expected to describe experience in advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion in their library communities.

The President-Elect will serve a three-year term: as President-Elect, in 2022-2023, as President in 2023-2024, and as immediate Past-President in 2024-2025. The ALA/Core Councilor will serve a three-year term, 2022-2025. Three Directors-at-Large will be elected to serve three-year terms, 2022-2025.

Candidates must be current Core members at the time of the election. The Nominating Committee will select at least two candidates for each open position. The last day to submit nominations, or to nominate others, is November 10, 2021.

Submit a Nomination


If you are nominating someone else, they’ll be contacted to complete the form. If you have any questions, please contact Emily Drabinski, Chair of the Core Nominating Committee, at edrabinski [at] (). All nominations will be held in confidence.

We also encourage you to forward this call for nominations to potential nominees.

Core Nominating Committee
Emily Drabinski, Convenor
Jennifer B. Bowen
Charmaine Henriques
Nancy J. Weiner