NJLibsGrowBiz Virtual Discussion - May 25 from 11am - 12:30pm


The next NJLibsGrowBiz Virtual Discussion will be held on Wednesday, May 25 from 11am-12:30pm.

NJLibsGrowBiz is a group of library staff members who meet to discuss resources, services, and programs for business owners, entrepreneurs, and jobseekers in their communities. Join to learn from other libraries in NJ doing similar work, connect with experts in the NJ business community, and share your questions with individuals who can provide their own insight.

Our speaker will be Shoumo Ganguly, who is a solopreneur and  an Alignable Ambassador Mentor. He has worked with Woodbridge Public Library as well as offered training at other NJ libraries in the past, and he brings a great perspective on business needs and areas of opportunity. He will be discussing Alignable, a platform where small business owners gather to build trusted relationships. 

“With more than 7 million members, and millions of connections across more than 35,000 local communities, Alignable is the online network where small business owners across North America drive leads and prospects, generate referrals, land new business, build trusted relationships, and share great advice. Members use Alignable to get the industry answers they need, connect within their local business community or across the country, and increase buzz for their business. For libraries, Alignable is an opportunity to engage with their local businesses community. The platform also facilitates inter-library collaboration through the Public Libraries Group.”

Here is the link to register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAscemqrTIqEtO7IGs9Cr_BUWuUOCCEW0rr