Purchasing Procedures and Financial Controls Policies

Hi everyone,

Our library does not currently have a formal purchasing policy/procedure, nor do we have a Financial Controls policy. Our bookkeeper, who has been here 30+ years, is retiring soon so I think now is a good time to look at creating these policies for us.

As many people know, I prefer to CASE ("copy and steal everything") from other libraries instead of creating a policy from scratch. 

Therefore, if your public library has a purchasing procedure/policy that works for you, and/or if you have a decent internal financial controls policy document, could you please send me a copy? You can reach me at martin [at] wanaquelibrary.org or via fax (the old-school way) at FAX 973-839-8904.

Thank you very much,

Mary Martin

Mary Martin, Director
Wanaque Public Library (Delivery #1206)
616 Ringwood Ave, Wanaque, NJ 07465 (Passaic County)
973-839-4434  /  fax: 973-839-8904
martin [at] wanaquelibrary.org