Vacation time for library staff

Hi, we're updating our library's personnel manual this year and I want to get an idea of how other libraries handle vacation time for library staff. If you have time to answer any of these questions I'd be grateful! 

* Number of days vacation for a newly-hired FT library director

* Number of days vacation for a newly-hired FT professional librarian

* Number of days vacation for a newly-hired FT paraprofessional

* Amount of time you must be employed before vacation time increases

* Do you follow the same vacation day schedule as your town?

Additionally, if you've updated your personnel manual since 2020 and you are willing to share it so that I can borrow ideas from it, please email it to me at martin [at]    Ours is, if you can believe it, still printed on dot matrix paper. 

Happy New Year,

Mary Martin / Library Director, Wanaque Public Library