Webinar - Introduction to Skills to Succeed Academy


The Skills to Succeed Academy is a free online learning program that helps people build skills and confidence to plan their careers, get a job, and succeed in employment. Over 100,000 learners have been skilled in the US via non-profits, high schools, community colleges, and government agencies. Fun and effective, it is flexible to be used individually, face-to-face or virtually.

This session will provide an overview of the program with Krista A. Tracy, Skills to Succeed Academy - US Lead at Accenture

Date: October 5, 2021 from 2:00 - 3:00pm

Registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUof-qprzMrGdeMdv5r4Ikt-SKjOA…;

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Questions? Contact Andrea Levandowski at alevandowski [at] njstatelib.org


I registered, but have not gotten any confirmation

If you missed the webinar “Introduction to Skills to Succeed Academy” on October 5, 2021, the link to the recording is available here: https://youtu.be/oAis9uIwIbU


If you have any questions or would like to sign up with Skills to Succeed Academy, please contact:

Krista Tracy krista.a.tracy [at] accenture.com

Thomas Flake thomas.flake [at] accenture.com