L-TAG Goals
- Keep up with ever-changing technology trends that are relevant to libraries
- Provide insightful advice and recommendations for both long and short term objectives for technology services and programs to LibraryLinkNJ member libraries
L-TAG Activity Plans for FY2025
- AI Series : Plan, coordinate and host AI programs
- TechFest : Plan, coordinate and host a TechFest for the spring of 2025
- Professional Development
- On-Demand (Asynchronous) Technology Training Modules : Plan, coordinate and create on-demand digital content for technology training to be hosted on the LibraryLinkNJ LearningSpace portal
- Tech Webinars: Plan, coordinate and host several webinars in Tech topics
- Resource sharing : Explore additional opportunities for resource-sharing opportunities between all levels of library staff with a focus on technology.
L-TAG Members
Chair: Doug Baldwin, Piscataway Public Library
Vice-Chair: Mi-Sun Lyu, LibraryLinkNJ
Please meet our L-TAG members who represent a spectrum of library staff across specialties (admin, IT, adult, children, teens, etc) and multi-type libraries to provide a broad set of ideas and perspectives.