Center for Adult English Language Acquisition
Contact resources for a full array of services, even lesson plans.
Contact resources for a full array of services, even lesson plans.
“An online American Sign Language (ASL) browser where you can look up video of thousands of ASL signs and learn interesting things about them.”
The author coordinates literacy and English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) at the Westchester Library System of New York.
From ALA's Office of Literacy and Outreach Services, here are a directory of peer consultants and resources for outreach (in general and to targeted populations), academic libraries, literacy, comm
This landmark work treats diversity, African Americans in librarianship and in library education, issues related to technology, and library services to African American populations.
“Some of the issues addressed are the need to uphold intellectual freedom, challenging the censorship of gay materials in libraries, AIDS material in the library, the information needs of gay and l
From the U.S.
ASCLA establishes standards and guidelines that align with its vision to build capacity for libraries serving special populations, state library agencies, specialized libraries, library cooperative
Services at the Hartford Public Library in Connecticut include a directory of immigration services, international internet sites, cultural venues (e.g., relevant media venues), and an especially us
An attractive, friendly, and helpful online brochure from a North Carolina system.